I Need You ; James Phelps

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Your loving boyfriend of 6 years walks in the house setting his bag down. "I'm home darling!" You hear from the hall.

A huge smile spreads across your face. You put down the plate running to the front door. You jump into his arms wrapping your legs around his waist. He quickly catches you holding your thighs so you don't fall.

You pull him into a passionate kiss after not being able to kiss his lips for a very long four months. He smiles kissing you back. He gently sets you down pulling away.

"Date night tonight?" He says almost immediately. You let out a soft giggle nodding your head. He quickly swoops you up running upstairs to your shared room throwing you on the bed.

You lay there in a fit of laughter. He goes to the closet pulling out a white button up and some dress pants. He lays them on the chair and pulls you up to your feet. He sits down taking your place on the bed.

You peck his lips and go to the closet rummaging through all your nice dresses pulling out a red one, it came down to about mid thigh and cling to your body showing off your curves nicely. You lay it on the bed next to him looking at him to see what he thinks.

He breaks out into a big smile. "My favorite dress, you know me too well baby." He says pulling you down onto his lap so your straddling him. He rubs your sides admiring you.

You wrap your arms around his neck playing with the hair on the back of his neck softly smiling down at him.


You take a sip of your wine, softly setting it back down on the table. You look across at James as he devours his steak. You let out a soft giggle taking a bite of your pasta.

He finishes after a while, the same with you. He takes your hand from across the table intertwining your fingers. He kisses all your knuckles not breaking eye contact with you.

You smile softly. "Ready to go my love?" He asks calling the waiter over for the check. He pays and stands up helping you up. He wraps his arm around your waist leading you to the car holding you close to himself.

He opens the door for you bowing, "My lady." He says. You laugh and get in the car feeling happiness spread through your body that the love of your life is finally home from tour.

He gets in the drivers side starting the car. He reaches over grabbing your hand intertwining your fingers once again like at the dinner table. He begins to drive home turning on the radio.

You start singing along to the song on the radio doing a little dance as well. He smiles and joins in at the chorus singing loudly and not hitting any of the notes making you giggle.

He's always been a goof, right along with his twin brother. You met them at a convention in London for the Harry Potter movies, you being a fan of the books ever since you were a little girl. You ran into James there and the moment he saw you he was blown away. He apologized and then gathered up the courage to ask you out on a date which you politely agreed too not wanting to be rude.

Your first date he took you to the park and made a picnic and he was a true gentleman. You fell for him almost instantly, from his good looks to his adorable smile to his amazing personality. You two clicked almost instantly, you got along perfectly like you've known him for your entire life.

When he asked you out on the date you expected him to be very stuck up and only talk about himself (as most stars are). But he was the complete opposite and blew you away.

You two continued to goof around screaming the lyrics to whatever song was on the radio. You hear a loud honk as a pair of headlights come speeding at you two. James quickly tries to swerve the car trying to miss the big truck flying towards them.

The drivers side of the car smashed against the head of the truck. All you could see was James's head hitting the steering wheel before everything went black.


You slowly sit down on the soft grass in front of the headstone. You gently run your fingers across his name.

James Phelps
Loving spouse and brother

You feel a tear roll down your cheek letting a soft smile lay on your lips. You lay the single flower in front of his grave. You gently rest your forehead against the cold stone as you keep tracing your fingers over his name.

"I need you.." You manage to get out before letting a choked sob escape you're lips. You feel a hand rest on your back softly rubbing it.

You lift your head up looking back at your loving spouse. They take a seat next to you softly pulling you into their arms. You lay your head against their chest not breaking your gaze from the headstone.

They run their fingers through your hair gently. You let out a soft sigh. "I miss him, a lot" You say to your spouse. They rub your back kissing your forehead. "I know love.."

You catch a glimpse of someone standing across the way next to a tree. You squint softly looking at the strange man. As he smiles at you, you make his face out to be the man you once held in your arms before he walked behind the tree vanishing.

You let a few more tears fall smiling a bit at the memories.

a/n: this is solely based off of MoonysSweetheart 's story from their james phelps one shot book. definitely go check them out!

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