As The World Caves In ; Fred Weasley

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[ Based on the song "As The World Caves In" ]

The Battle of Hogwarts. A tragic event. So many lives lost so many good people, dead.

But know one knows what was going through everyone's minds. Fred Weasley was a brave man. He was also a man in deeply love with a girl, Y/N Y/LN.


Fred looks over at you standing on the over look. He squeezes his hand in yours as the barrier builds around the castle. You look up at him. You both have no idea what might go down, but you know whatever does, you always have each other and you will be together till the end.

A loud boom erupts, you two seeing many spells hitting the barrier breaking it down slowly. You look out seeing hundreds of death eaters standing around the castle ready to attack, you take a deep breath your hands shaking.

Fred pulls you close to him rubbing your back gently. "I'm scared Freddie." You say wrapping your arms around his torso laying your head against his chest.

He softly rubs your arms and sides holding you close to him. "It will all be okay my love." He whispers to you rocking you two back and forth slowly. You hear a loud explosion and let out a whimper letting a few tears fall.

He hugs you tighter lightly shushing you. He picks you up walking inside the building finding an empty office setting you down on the desk gently. He stands between your legs softly cupping your face in his hands.

You take a few deep breaths trying to calm yourself as you gently muzzle your cheek into his hand. He presses a kiss to your forehead. "We will be okay." He slips his hands from your face taking both your hands in his pressing soft kisses to your knuckles.

"As long as we have each other we are okay" He sadly smiles at you. "But we have to go my love, we have to help them." He says softly pulling you so you are standing up.

"Just one more minute." You say wrapping your arms around him again. He does the same softly swaying you both humming a light song trying to drown out the sounds of the screams and explosions.

You two stand there for a little while longer enjoying it not knowing this might be the last time you will have each other alive in your arms. "I love you." You mutter into his chest.

He kisses your head softly mumbling the same thing back to you. He slowly pulls away spinning you around before pulling you back into his arms. You let out a soft giggle. He keeps humming the unknown tune to you as you two sway.

You hear a loud scream just down the hall way jumping from the suddenness. He pulls you closer whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

"Never leave me please." You say looking up at him. He softly smiles looking down at you. "Never." He says leaning down pressing a soft kiss to your lips.

He keeps you two swaying occasionally spinning you. After a while you slowly pull away from him. "Lets go." You say grabbing his hand walking outside of the room almost immediately met with a death eater. You quickly pull your wand out of your pocket throwing a curse at the death eater.

You pull Fred down the hallway making sure to check every corner incase there is someone there. You both make your way to the court yard.

Bodies scattered all over the ground from students to teachers to death eaters. People fighting one another throwing curses at whoever they see. Giants swinging at the people. Giant spiders devouring people. It was a horrible sight.

You quickly shoot a few curses at death eaters as Fred does the same. All the sudden you hear a scream. You whip around to see Fred lying on the ground a death eater standing a few feet away from him with a hideous smile on his face. You quickly throw a curse at the death eater making him drop to the ground lifeless.

You run over to Fred collapsing next to him. "Freddie, wake up baby, wake up please" You plead holding his hand tight in yours. Your eyes travel down to his chest seeing that is wasn't moving. You feel tears prickle your eyes at you look at the lifeless man before you.

"Freddie?" You shake him slightly. All the sudden every emotion comes crashing in on you like a flood. You collapse on his chest gripping his shirt. "Wake up Fred, wake up please" You say letting the hot tears run down your face.

You lay on top of the love of your life gripping to him for dear life. You let a sob escape your lips holding his shirt tightly refusing to believe that he isn't alive.

You hold his hand tightly in yours. Your body jolts with pain as a unforgivable curse is thrown at you. You let out a blood curtailing scream the pain throbbing through your body. The death eater stands over you and Fred watching you scream in pain.

He lets out a nasty laugh before saying "Avada Kedavra" point his wand at you. The last thing you see is George running over to you before everything goes black and your heart stops.

[ a/n - sorry for two sad one shots in a row, i'm in a sad mood lmaoo ]

𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙨 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now