Roadtrip ; Morris Talliver

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"Morris Talliver!" You yell as you walk into the back room of the comedy club. Morris spins around a little shocked making him trip over his own foot falling face first on the ground. You giggle and hold your hand out to help him up, him gladly taking it. He brushes his jacket off quickly before turning his attention back to you.

"Pack up your bags babe, I'm feeling spontaneous and we are going on a road trip tonight, for a couple days." You say excitement flowing through your body.

"Tonight? All my clothes are at my house." He says looking down at you a confused expression twisted on his face his long hair falling in front of his eyes.

"Finish your set up and we will drive to your apartment and get you packed, I nicked the van from my brother so we will have somewhere to sleep." You said grabbing his arm pulling him out of the room, pushing him towards the stage, him stumbling over his own feet once again.

After a while he finishes his set up and comes back to the back room where you sat on the couch flipping through his notebook.

"This jokes are hilarious hun." You smile at him standing up tossing him his book. He catches it fumbling with it a bit before getting a good grip on the book. He grabs his duffle bag putting it back in the bag before walking through the club with you, to the front of the building. You both make your way to the van, you hoping in the drivers seat, while Morris gets in the passenger side.

You drive a couple blocks down the road before stopping at his apartment. He hops out jogging inside before returning a few minutes later with two new bags. He opens the back of the van placing them in, then getting back in the car. You pull away just driving, not having any particular destination.

"Your lucky my boss likes me, otherwise i'd be fired for leaving this abruptly and with no notice." He grumbles from the passenger side. You let out a laugh before reaching over rubbing his shoulder.

"Cheer up grumpy gus, this will be fun." You say before pulling your hand away. He grumbles a response as you turn on the radio to drown his complaints out. You sing along to whatever was playing on the radio at the time.

Morris's mood cheers up after a few songs and he starts singing along quietly as you belt your heart out. You reach over taking his hand in yours putting them both up to the roof. A smile spread across his face as he gets louder starting to match your energy.


Your eyes flutter open the sunlight hitting your eyes making you squint. You slowly stretch out letting out a yawn. You sit up rubbing your eyes looking over at Morris next to you. His hair fell in his face, soft breaths leaving his lips, blanket tucked under his arm. A small smile spreads across your lips looking down at him. You slowly move over him standing up opening the back of the van jumping onto the soft grass.

The air smelt of pine trees and grass. The sound of the river a few feet away, filled your ears as the water rushed against the rocks and pebbles. You sit on the edge of the van grabbing your water bottle from the counter. You gently lean your head against the door frame shutting your eyes listening to the beautiful sounds of nature around you. The van moves a bit as you lift your head up opening your eyes seeing Morris sitting across from you.

"Good morning darling." He half yawns, dressed in a tight grey t-shirt and plaid pajama pants. His hair fell perfectly against his face, the sleepiness hanging in his eyes.

"Good morning Morris." You smile at him before getting up walking down to the river, the sunlight peaking through the trees sparkling against the water. Small minos jump above the surface before landing back in the water, making their way downstream. You lean down rolling up your pants before slowly stepping into the cold water, it rushing against your legs making you shiver softly.

𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙨 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now