Zookeeper ; Oliver Phelps

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"Come here Henry." You coo to Henry in front of you holding his bucket of food. He slowly rises to his feet stretching out before making his way over to you the sunlight illuminating off of him. You smile as you grab the meat in the bucket, throwing it into the enclosure before closing the door behind you and locking it. You grab the bucket putting it back in the fridge.

Your hand runs through your hair as you make your way out of the room into the public part of the zoo. You loved your job, even as a young child you always had a love for animals and your job shows that. Being able to work with all different kinds of animals is all you could have wished for. You fix your shirt before walking over to the Gorilla habitat.

"Baby, you should be put on the endangered species list because you are one of a kind." You hear a voice speak from behind you. Your feet halt in your tracks spinning around to come face to face with a tall brunette man.

"Excuse me?" You say your gaze meeting his.

"I've been thinking 'bout you owl night long." He says again, a thick English accent lacing through his voice. A group of guys are laughing from behind him, a light blush is coating his cheeks. You raise your eyebrow at him as he clears his throat shifting from foot to foot.

"Animal pick up lines? Really? Come back when you have some real game." You smirk at him before turning on your heal making your way to the Gorilla habitat.

Oliver watches you walk away as James claps him on the shoulder.

"Mate," he laughs "she told you!" He says falling over from the laughter. Matt quickly catches him before he hits the ground, him laughing equally as hard.

"Good luck man, she's playing hard to get." Rupert speaks from beside him.

"Don't worry, we'll help you come up with more, don't give up yet." Tom says silently telling Matt and James to stop laughing.


A group of children follows behind you as you walk over to the giraffes. You grab a bucket of acacia, passing each one out to each child as the giraffes make their way over. The children rush to the railing holding the food out. You smile looking at them tripping over each other.

"Hey girl, where you fin all my life?" The same voice as yesterday speaks from behind you. You shake your head a light smile laying on your lips. You turn around just to see the same man.

"You came back again and chose to say that? Wow your game isn't so good is it?" You say your hands placed on your hips.

"I'm Oliver." He says holding his hand out for you to shake, you look between his hand and his face.

"Y/N." You speak ignoring his hand. He pulls his hand away wiping it on his pants, probably from sweat. The same group of guys stood a few feet away from him pretending to look at one of the information boxes secretly sneaking glances at you both.

"You must be my backyard," he speaks "cause I really dig you." You look up at him a smile slowly spreading across your lips. You let out a laugh before walking back over to the kids.


"You otter come over." Oliver says leaning against the railing looking down at you as you tend to the parrot.

"Your never going to stop are you? At least come up with some better ones than that." You say letting her nibble on your finger as you place her back on her perch.

"I believe, your argument is irrelephant." He says a smirk appearing on his lips. Your hand flies over your mouth as you try to hold your obnoxious laughter in.

"Now that is a new one, i've never heard that one before" You laugh walking away from him as he stares after you.


Oliver came back day after day, always having a new pickup line ready to use. Sometimes his friends were with him and sometimes he came alone, but he never missed a day.


"Are you a cat? Because your purrrfect."


"Are your other donkey's jealous? Because that's one fine ass."


"Babe, you're cuter than a puppy at an animal shelter, cause I wanna take you home!"


"Did you grow up on a chicken farm? Cause I heard you were good at raising cocks!"


Some were dirtier than other ones. But that man never missed a beat. Until the day you finally agreed to go on one date with him if he'd promise to stop showing up to your work everyday. He was over the moon and took you to this secret garden he discovered and laid out an entire picnic for the both of you.

Despite him coming to your work everyday and telling you cheesy pick up lines you've heard a million times before, he was a really nice guy. Not to mention he was unbelievably funny and a true gentleman. The two of you went on many more dates after that and on your tenth date, he asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes.

A few weeks after he took you to meet his brother James, and his friends Rupert, Tom, and Matthew. Soon later you all found out they were actors and starred in the Harry Potter films together.


"If I followed you home, would you keep me?" You hear his voice from behind you. You hang up your vest on the hook and turn around to see Oliver. You walk over to him wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him down into a kiss. He placed his hands on your waist kissing you back.

"You're a dork, but your my dork." You mumble against his lips. You feel him smile as you pull away a smile spread across your lips as well. He takes your hand in his kissing each of your knuckles, softly twirling the ring on your finger.

"I love you Mr. Phelps." You say as he pulls you close.

"I love you more Mrs. Phelps." He says before diving into another kiss.

𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙨 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now