Weasley Wizard Wheezes (Part One) ; George Weasley

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Your feet take you down the cobblestone road through the famous Diagon Alley. You scan over the shops, every second your eyes flickering back down to the paper in your hands.

'93 Diagon Alley, London, England'

Suddenly something comes buzzing right by your ear. You let out a sudden yelp as a man runs up to you.

"Miss, miss are you okay? I am so sorry, it just got out of control and I couldn't grab it in time." He rambled on. You look up at the man, he had a nest of messy red hair set on his head followed by soft freckles coating his cheeks. He looked to be a bit more than six feet tall, he had on a tan vest and a red and tan plaid button up under it followed by a light orange tie tied messily around his neck.

"No need to worry." You chuckle "Um could you point me in the direction of Weasley Wizard Wheezes?" You say pointing to the paper your holding between your fingers.

"Look at that! I am indeed one of the owners so I can gladly walk you there." He smiles "I'm George by the way, George Weasley." He smiles down at you holding his hand out. You gladly shake it before following him to the shop down the street. You both come upon a store, painted bright orange and purple. You walk in immediately met with a handful of kids laughing, testing different products, walking on walls, hiccuping bubbles, or sprouting new pimples all over their faces.

You look around in awe at all the things they have created and now are making a business out of it. You look over at George who is already tending to a young boy who seemed to be confused on what something does. You let a smile creep up on your lips as you make your way through the store. Someone did tell you there were two owners so you ventured off to find the other one as George looked busy and you didn't want to disturb him.

You found another man standing behind a counter who looked exactly like George. You furrow your eyebrows and turn around seeing George still standing with the kid. You slowly look back at the other man and look at him for a minute before your mind clicks. Their twins. You shake your head letting out a chuckle at your stupidity.

You walk over to the counter seeing the other man now crouched under rummaging for something underneath it. You peer over before ringing the bell. You hear him scramble to get up making his head smack against the under counter. You flinch out of instinct, he stands up letting out a groan rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you okay? That sounded pretty painful.." You trail off looking up at him.

"Yeah yeah it'll just leave a bump no big deal, I have hair for a reason." He chuckles "Anyways, how can I help you today?" He asks seeing that you didn't have any products to buy.

"I saw your ad for a job application in the paper-" He quickly cut you off.

"Oh yes! Perfect, George get over here!" He yelled to his brother "I'm Fred Weasley, the owner of this fabulous shop, and you are?" He asks in a cheerful tone.

"Y/N Y/L/N. It's nice to meet you, I met your brother out side. Do you two co own the shop?" You ask as George saunters over a smile set on his lips.

"Indeed we do Miss Y/N." George speaks "Built from the ground up, from out blood, sweat and tears." Fred finishes his hands placed on his hips. A giggle passes your lips.

"Well it's quite impressive, the kids seem to really love it here." You smile looking around at everyone.

"Well for our interview we've decided that we will put you through a trial basis. So for today you are a proud temporary employee at Weasley Wizards Wheezes!" Fred exclaims doing some weird version of jazz hands. A smile erupts on your face as you look at the two handsome men standing before you.

𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙨 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now