Weasley Wizard Wheezes (Part Two) ; George Weasley

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"I'm leaving! Do not fuck up the entire place while i'm gone and please fuck already, the sexual tension is raging!" You hear Fred scream from the hallway before the door slams.

You let out a soft giggle looking over at George sitting at the desk in his room, tweaking some things on their new product. His cheeks flare up at Fred's words burying himself deeper in his work.

You stand up making your way over to him. You gently run your hands along his shoulders squeezing them softly. You hear his breath hitch in his throat as his hands tremble holding the tweezers. You lean down gently running your lips down his neck leaving soft kisses.

"Y-Y/N?" He stutters setting down his wand and tools.

You shush him softly moving in front of him. You straddle his lap sitting down against his growing boner. He looks at you his breathing uneven, cheeks red, and eyes wide. You lean down ghosting your lips over his your hot breath fanning over his lips. His eyes flutter shut letting out a soft sigh leaning forward trying to connect his lips with yours. You pull back as he gets closer to you. A soft whine leaves his lips as he opens his eyes looking at you.

You trail your hands down his chest slowly unbuttoning his shirt. Once you reach the bottom you slowly trail your hands along his chest, he was skinny but slightly muscular from his Quidditch years, freckles coated his chest, his body trembling under your touch.

You lean forward pressing a soft kiss against his lips, as you start to pull away you capture his bottom lip between your teeth softly pulling it out before letting go of it slowly. His hands lay on your waist slowly moving you closer to him. You gently roll your hips against his a low moan leaving his throat.

He throws his head back leaving his neck exposed. You lean forward slowly dragging your tongue up his neck till you reached his adam's apple. You gently suck on it leaving a light hickey. He swallows deeply his adam's apple bobbing as he did so.

You let your lips explore his neck leaving hickeys here and there. His grip tightens against your waist to keep your hips rolling against him. His eyes roll back as he nears his release.

You pull back from him moving off his lap. A whine escapes from his lips as he lifts his head up looking at you a confused look set on his face.

You wink at him before strutting out of the room swaying your hips. You make your way to the kitchen taking a snack out of the cupboard. You look out the window on to the street seeing everyone on their daily route, either going to jobs or shopping for pleasure or business.

Suddenly you feel hands on your waist and something poking against your arse. You let out a gasp at the feeling. George gently pushes your hair to the side leaning down leaving rough kisses against your neck.

You let out mouth hang slightly open your eyes shutting from the pleasure.

"Like it rough do you?" You hear his raspy voice whisper in your ear.

"Never would have guessed." A deep chuckle erupting from his lips as he grinds his boner against you. His large hands travel up your blouse rubbing against your stomach leaving a chill against your skin. His cold fingers run against your breast squeezing it lightly. You let out a shaky breath his other hand moving to your skirt.

His finger hooks around your panties slowly pulling them down. They pool at your feet as he roughly bends you over the sink, hands trailing up your thigh. You let out a gasp as he rubs his clothed hard on over your heat. His hand grips your hair roughly pulling your head back.

"Be a good girl for me, okay darling?" His whispers in your ear pushing himself more into you as he spoke. You let out a whimper nodding your head. He hums in approval as he lets go of your hair. You hear him fumbling around with his trousers before pushing them down. You sneak your hand between your legs rubbing your clit slowly. You let out a shaky breath pressing your forehead against the window.

You feel a hand smack yours away. The tip of his penis rubs against you making you shutter in pleasure. He slowly pushes in, your mouth hanging open at the size of him.

"Mm you feel so good darling." He whispers in your ear tugging on your hair to pull your head back.

"Your getting turned on by this aren't you? The fact anyone from the street could look up and see you getting you getting your brains screwed out huh?" He says roughly smacking your arse starting to thrust slowly.

You nod letting out a whimper pushing back against him. He deeply chuckles leaving kisses along your spine. His hands hold your waist roughly as his thrusts speed up. Loud moans slip past your lips as he abuses your g-spot.

His lips ghost over your ear as he whispers sweet nothings followed by low moans or grunts.

"George, George! Oh my god i'm close." You breathe out gripping the sink harder your knuckles turning white. He presses his forehead against your back his hot breath traveling through your thin shirt onto your skin. You squeeze your eyes shut as you feel your high coming.

He lets out a loud groan into your shirt as he spills himself into you. The sudden warmness sends you over the edge as you release onto him.

You shudder gently as his large hands rub your waist and sides. He slowly pulls out grabbing his wand muttering a cleaning spell on the both of you. He gently pulls your underwear back up before dressing himself. He helps you up softly turning you around. He leans down pressing his lips against yours his hand resting upon your cheek.

A smile spreads across your face as he kisses you slowly. He pulls away after a bit holding you close to him resting his forehead against yours.

"I love you Y/N." He whispers his eyes looking into yours.

"I love you more Weasley." You smile softly your hands cupping his face.

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