Mistletoe ; George Wealsey

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You pulled your robe farther around yourself as you left your common room making your way to the kitchens for a snack. You soon found the painting looking up at you. You squeeze your eyes shut trying to remember how Ron said to get in.

You stand there for a few minutes before his voice popped in your head. "Find the pear on the panting and tickle it, it's quite simple really I don't know why they didn't tell me before." His voice rung through your head. You opened your eyes reaching up to tickle the pear but before you can do so you hear two obnoxious voices behind you.

You let out a sigh knowing exactly who it was. You spun around coming face to face with no other than the pranksters of the school. They both got on your nerves, always pranking people, never caring what it caused or ruined. But George, god he was the worst. He targeted you almost always, bewitching ink filled balloons to fall on your head as you walked in the great hall, jinxing you so your eyebrows grew together, tying your shoe laces together while walking to class. He aggravated you so much.

"Look who we have here, little miss y/l/n." The taller one, Fred, spoke. "Move out of the way little girl." George spoke immediately after him pushing you out of the way to get to the portrait. Fred reached up and tickled the pear it letting out a giggle before swinging open. They strutted their way in you following after them, your face red in anger from them just dismissing you.

You immediately walked over to one of the house elves crouching down to her height. You quietly asked her for a sandwich and a hot chocolate. She scurried off her little feet shuffling against the floor. You always loved the house elves and treated them as a equal because they honestly deserved the same respect that everyone else got, besides anyone who was bullied by Malfoy.

You made your way over to the table set in the middle of the room sitting on one of the stools. The twins already sat there whispering to each other about who knows what. You played with the edge of your sleeve watching the house elves scurry around  making things as fast as they could.

"So Y/N what brings you here so late, not becoming a rebel are you?" Fred spoke a smirk covering his face. You let out a sigh rubbing your face. "I just wanted a snack that's all, let me eat in peace thank you very much." You said as your sandwich was placed in front of you. You quietly thanked the house elf and started to eat, avoiding any eye contact you could with the twins.

All the sudden you feel a presence next to you making you turn your head to scold whichever twin it was. Before you could say anything George's finger was over your lips shushing you. You send him a glare before smacking his hand away. You look over expecting to see Fred sitting there, but he isn't. You quickly get up not wanting to be alone with George. You make my way over to the door trying to push it open, it not budging a bit.

"What the fuck?" You mumble under your breath before trying to open it again. All the sudden above your head a mistletoe started to grow. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

"He bewitched it." You hear George sigh from next to you. "The door won't open unless we kiss." He turned to look at you, you still trying to shove the door open. All the house elves were somehow not there, you had know idea how they got out without you noticing or hearing.

You let out a groan before sliding down the door putting your face in your hands. "Why did I have to get stuck in here with you?" You exclaimed into your hands. "If you pull some stupid prank on me or jinx me I swear to god I will give you a bloody nose."

He stands in front of you shuffling from foot to foot. You lift your head up looking at him. He looked nervous, his eyes were shifting from thing to thing, his face was slightly red. You've never seen George Weasley nervous, especially in front of you.

His mind was flooded with thoughts, silently cursing at his brother through the door who was surely listening to him. He looked down at you and suddenly broke out into light sweats. He shook his head away trying to get rid of his thoughts of you that clouded his mind.

Truth be told he's had a crush on you ever since your first year, but being a teenage boy he didn't know how to deal with those feelings. So he picked on you and pranked you so at least he would get your attention in some way even if it wasn't the way he wished. Of course he confided in his brother about his crush on you but he never thought Fred would put you or him on the spot like this. But on the bright side maybe this was the time he could finally change your image of him and see him as a good guy who actually cares instead of the boy who picks on you.

You stand up walking back over to the table. You bring your sandwich to the trash throwing it away suddenly not having an appetite anymore. You wash your plate and glass before drying them and putting them away.

"You know the house elves would have done that." George grumbled from the opposite end of the room. "Yeah well you don't see them around do you? And plus they deserve to not have to do everything they are living creatures as well." You spoke as you shut the cupboard. You walk back to the door taking out your wand.

You mumble a few unlocking curses pointing your wand at the door. It didn't budge one bit. You let out a sigh shoving your wand back in your robe pocket. George was staring holes into the side of your head.

You spun around looking at him. "Take a picture it'll last longer." You snapped before stomping your way back over to the table sitting down. He quickly scrambled after you sitting down next to you. "Look I wanted to, um, apologize..." He trailed off looking at you from across the table.

"I know I haven't been the nicest to you over the past six years and i'm sorry for that I just, I guess I didn't know how to get a girls attention? The truth is I've had a crush on you since the first day at Hogwarts." He spoke his gaze upon you. You looked up at him confusion spread over your face.

"You've had a crush on me? That's why you picked on me and ruined half my wardrobe?" You asked him, he nodded slightly his face becoming almost as red as his hair. He ran his hand through his long ginger hair it falling flawlessly back onto his shoulders.

His words spun through your head making you a bit dizzy. You held your head until the dizziness stopped. You look back at him tilting your head.

"Your not fucking with me right? If your joking i'm going to bloody kill you." You spoke becoming suspicious of him. "I might be a complete arse but I wouldn't lie about something this big that's just rude." He spoke sincerely his face softening a small smile occupying his face.

"Fine, we can be acquaintances. Just promise to stop pranking and jinxing me." You said looking him dead in the eyes. He held his pinky out a goofy smile set on his lips. You link your pinky with his a small smile spreading on your face as well.

"We'll get over here." You spoke pulling him to you. You suddenly pressed your lips against his. He sat there in shock for a second before melting into it. You slowly pull away, a smile set on your face.

"See you later Weasley." You said softly pecking his cheek before getting up walking through the door.

He lifted his hand to lightly touch his lips his smile becoming wider and his blush becoming darker.

"Your whipped man." Fred spoke from the doorway.

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