On set ; James Phelps

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WARNINGS: NSFW, 18+, and foul language

[ I am not good at smut so pls don't judge me lmao ]

You flip through the script licking the tip of your finger every few seconds when the page got stuck. You worked as an assistant director for the 'Harry Potter' movie sets.

One of your close friends worked on the set and knew you had a passion for film, so he got you a job on set knowing that there was an open position. Everyone on set was so welcoming towards you, since you joined the team six years after they started filming so everyone was pretty close.

Bonnie Wright, who played Ginny Weasley, was your best friend on set, she was so sweet from the moment you stepped foot on set and always made you feel welcome. You two clicked instantly and became inseparable.

Then there was James and Oliver Phelps, who portrayed Fred and George Weasley in the films. They always loved to pick on you and Bonnie, teasing you two about various things. You always found James slightly attractive but he treated you like a little kid so you guessed he didn't see you as anymore than that.

You were a Freshman in college becoming a Sophomore. At the end of your Freshman year you packed up all your things and moved to England. You kept your studies up so well your school decided to let you finish school in London and continue to work as the assistant director on the set.

You currently sat in the chair behind the camera scrolling through the script highlighting any errors or things to improve. All the sudden you felt a cold liquid get poured over your head followed by loud obnoxious laughter.

You knew immediately it was Oliver and James. You jump out of your seat quickly and chase them across the set waving your hands angrily. "I'm gonna kill you two numbskulls!" You scream throwing anything you can reach at them, your clothes soaked through, your white t-shirt sticking to your skin your bra peaking through.

You left out a sigh as you stop running looking down at your wet clothes. Bonnie makes her way over a towel already in her hands. She hands it to you, you immediately wrapping it around yourself. "Those two, they never stop do they?" She lets out a brief chuckle.

"And this is always why I bring a extra pair of clothes, only because of them." You sigh making your way to Bonnies trailer outside where you kept your bag of things, thanks to her.

She trails behind you wrapping her arm around your shoulders keeping you warm since it was a chilly day in England. You walk inside to your bag getting out your fresh pair of clothes. You peel off your soaked clothes while Bonnie waits for you outside.

You slip on the new underwear and bra, followed by a long-sleeved white turtle neck then slipping a black tennis skirt over it that went a bit above your mid thigh. Next you slipped on some doc martins just to complete the outfit.

You look at yourself in the body length mirror in Bonnies trailer and smile. You looked good not even you could deny that. You grabbed the script you were working on quickly wiping the water off (it had been laminated in case something like this happened).

You make your way out of the trailer seeing Bonnie talking to the twins scolding them, even though she was many years younger than them, she scared the living hell out of them. It was quite funny to watch them shake in their boots when she yelled at them. You made your way over to them, Bonnie seeing you, she gestured to the twins making both of them look at you.

"We're sorry." Oliver half-heartedly mumbled under his breath, eyes looking at his shoe laces. Bonnie smacked him upside the head having to reach up because of their height. Oliver let out a yelp  before repeating it again but with more feeling. You let out a soft giggle.

𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙨 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now