Sara ; Fred Weasley

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[ Based on the song 'Sara' by We Three ]


You walk downstairs from the den to the shop where Fred and George spent most of their time working. Your hands shake violently while a bead of sweat rolls down your temple. You take deep breaths trying to find your boyfriend.

You see him standing by a shelf unpacking inventory. You make your way over to him ignoring the stares from the customers. "F-Fred?" You manage to get out once you reach him.

"I cant talk right now Y/N i'm really busy" He says not breaking his eyes away from what he was doing.
You manage to squeak out an okay before making your way back to the stairs. You see George looking at you with a concerned and confused look. You give him a small smile to reassure him your fine.

You walk up the stairs feeling your body shake more violently than before. He ignored you when you needed him most, how could you not be upset?

You let the hot tears roll down your cheeks as you make your way to the bathroom shutting the door quietly muttering a quick silencing and locking spell.

You sit down on the shut toilet trying to calm yourself, your eyes adverting to the medicine cabinet every few seconds.

𝘼 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧

You sit on the couch feeling the panic attack come on once again. Your breathe becomes uneven, your knee bouncing up and down as your hand rubs up and down your thigh. You rock yourself trying to calm yourself waiting for Fred to come up from the shop.

He walks in the door his vest unbuttoned, hair messed up, a tired look hanging in his eyes. He trudges past the couch going straight to the bedroom, not even acknowledging you on the couch.

You watch him trying to call out to him only a horse whisper coming out as your throat gets clogged with mucus. He shuts the door behind him. More tears start to roll down your cheeks.

The panic rushing through your body, erupting with shakes. You feel your body go limp as black spots fill your vision. You try to call out for your boyfriend one last time before your vision completely goes black.

𝘼 𝙛𝙚𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧

This has been going on for the past three weeks. Freds been so busy with work he never has any time for anything else. And by the time he's done with work he's so exhausted he goes straight to bed.

Your panic attacks have gotten worse not having Fred around as much. He knows just how to calm you down, but he hasn't had anytime. He won't even take a short break just to talk with you.

It's not his fault, running a shop must be very hard, but you need him. You get up from the bed, Fred and George being down in the shop working since business has been up recently (hence why Fred hasn't been around)

You walk to the bathroom shutting the door doing the exact same spells as before. You take a deep breath opening the cabinet. You scan the medicine searching for something to easy your pain. You see one of George's prescriptions.

You pull it out the the cabinet shakily opening the top looking inside the bottle. You take deep breaths grabbing a glass off the sink. You fill it up with water before pouring the pills into your mouth downing them with water.


Fred knocked on the door trying to open the door. "Love?" He says twisting the door knob a few times before pulling his wand out. He mutters a quick 'Alohomora'  hearing the lock click.

"I'm coming in." He says pushing the door open. His eyes scan the room slowly trailing to the empty pill bottles lying on the counter. His eyes travel down farther to see his lifeless girlfriend laying on the floor.

His legs give out as he collapses next to her shaking her shoulders. "Baby?" He whispers just above his breath. Her chest wasn't rising, her heart wasn't pumping, her eyes weren't blinking.

The tears prickled his eyes as he stared at her. "George!!" He yelled quickly sitting her up once it all hit him. He shoved his fingers in her mouth as the tears flowed down his face trying to force her to puke up the pills.

George runs to the bathroom seeing them on the floor, her not moving or making a sound. He quickly grabs friends hand appariting them to St Mungo's.


Fred sat in the waiting chair the tears silently flowing down his cheeks. George sat next to him having his arm wrapped around his shoulders trying to comfort his twin brother.

His arms and shoulders were shaking violently as his spoke. "This is all my fault Georgie, she tried to tell me but I dismissed her! It's my fucking fault!" He screamed breaking out into a fit of sobs once again.

George rubbed his shoulder pulling him closer hugging him once again. Fred cried heavily into his brothers shoulder. A doctor walks out into the waiting room. "Y/N  Y/L/N?" He spoke eyes scanning the waiting room.

Fred jumped out of his seat scrambling over to the man. The doctor nodded walking back to Y/N's room Fred following close behind. He stops outside of her room turning to look at Fred.

"She made it, but is very very weak right now be careful." He sends him a soft smile before walking off. Fred takes a deep breath before slowly pushing the door open. Y/N laid there on the hard bed, tubes coming out of her.

His eyes water at the sight of her. Her eyes slowly start to flutter open a groan passing her lips. He softly rubs her hand intertwining their fingers together. She looks around before her eyes landing on Fred.

A soft smile lay on her lips. "Freddie.." She manages to croak out her throat dry and painful. He shushes her softly moving his other hand to brush the hair out of her face.

"Oh baby, i'm so sorry," Tears well up in his eyes again as he looks at her. "You tried to tell me but I didn't listen, i'm the reason you tried to do this, i'm such a horrible boyfriend."

He sniffled softly petting her head. She gently squeezes his hand rubbing her thumb across his knuckles. "It's not your fault Freddie, I just, couldn't take the pain anymore." Her eyes fogged up as she looked at the broken man standing before her.

He let out a soft sob sitting on the edge of the bed. "If you ever feel this way again, I promise I will always be here to listen, always. Never be afraid to talk to me it doesn't matter what i'm doing i'll always be there, okay love?" He says.

She nods gently nuzzling her cheek into the palm of his hand her eyes slowly fluttering shut falling into a deep sleep.

𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙨 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now