Change Ur Mind ; James Phelps

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You put the last bobby pin in your hair examining yourself in the mirror to make sure you looked decent. You take a deep breath your eyes filling with tears thinking of him once again.

James. Your best friend since you two were in grade school. Today he was going to watch the love of his life walk down that aisle to him. God you envied her, James would never see you the way that he saw her.

You've been in love with him since the day he beat that boy up for making fun of your shoes. Oliver knew of course, he was the one you cried to night after to night wishing James would return those same feelings that you felt for him.

You add a few last touch ups to your makeup before grabbing your handbag walking downstairs. There Ollie stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you. You both decided it would be reasonable for you two to go together as friends.

He had on a normal black and white tuxedo, his hair slicked back. He heard your heels and quickly stopped fiddling with his jacket sleeves looking up at you. A smile spread across his face as he held his hand out for you, you gladly taking it.

"You look stunning Y/N." Oliver spoke smiling down at you. A blush coated your cheeks, "Not to bad yourself Phelps." You say unbuttoning the top button on his shirt.

You two are best friends and do have a flirty friendship but both of you know it is nothing more. He kissed your cheek and held your hand leading you to the car. Both of you had to be there early seeing as Oliver was the best man and you were one of the bridesmaids for Annika. He opened the car door for you helping you in.

You thanked him quietly smoothing out your dress as he got in the drivers side. He starts the car and pulls out driving to the venue. You look out the window watching the trees wiz past like they are nothing but a green blob.

A few minutes later Oliver parks and gets out quickly running to your side opening the door for you doing a strange bow or curtsey (not that he could). "My lady." He spoke bowing his head.

You let a laugh slip past your lips getting out of the car grabbing your bag. He shuts the door and wraps his arm around your waist walking inside. The moment you step foot in the building you are met with James pacing back and forth mumbling to himself.

Oliver lets out a sigh. He leans down whispering to you, "I'll see you on the alter darling." He quickly pecks your cheek walking over to James pulling him away to another room.

You walk into the main church, it truly looked beautiful. Vines spread across the walls, candles lit in little bundles, velvet cushions set on the seats, and a arch set on the alter with fairy lights and vines scattered all over it.

You let out a breath running your hand over your face softy. You make your way back to the hallway going to the brides sweet. You walk in, Annika sat in her chair in front of a mirror getting her hair and makeup done, all of her friends running around doing last minute things or talking with her.

As much as you'd love to hate Annika for finding a way into James heart, you couldn't she was one of the sweetest girls you've met. They were truly lucky to find each other.

"Y/N! Hi! Where's Oliver?" Annika spoke looking at you through the mirror. You smile at her making your way to her. "He went to find James." You said admiring her hair and makeup, she did look stunning.

She smiled reaching back taking your hand in hers softy squeezing it. "Thank you for coming it means a lot to both me and James, I don't think he'd be able to go through with this if you weren't here." She chuckled before letting go of your hand going back to chatting with her friend.

You sat down on the sofa looking out at the lawn where the after party would be held.


𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙨 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨, 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now