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Arthit stole another glance of the comrade seat. And he can clearly see the beautiful dejected face. Staring right ahead. Tucked in the seatbelt. With crossed arms and an obvious pout.

Wearing a washed jeans, with white shirt and black sweater. The white collars folded out of the sweater's neckline. With sneakers. Classy. Yet cute.

Arthit wondered, if he should just park the car somewhere and kiss the pout, force out the words from his sulking Princess.

"Kongpob..." Arthit whispered. "Baby... Talk to me."

Kong crossed his arms more firmly and looked away instead.

Arthit sighed. Staring ahead again. Tapping his right thumb over the steering. While the other arm was crooked over the open window next to him. He liked the fresh air. Instead of the car's heating.

Kongpob had all but refused to go back with him. Sulking and complaining. And was close to bringing back his luggage from the car.

And Arthit was no way in hell, going to let that happen. He has done his share of missing far long.

So, he had just hauled Kongpob up on his shoulder. Ignoring all the jabs on his back and shrieks. Also, being called a jerk.

Or the thousands of different names he was being called by his friends. And their laughter. They can rot in hell.

Without even caring about changing his shirt or bidding goodbye to Luna or Jenna and Natalie.

He has just carried his Princess out, holding Oon's basket with his other hand.

And he had to kiss Kong shut. Once he sat him down on the comrade seat. To distract Kong enough, to tie the seatbelt. Close the door. Put Oon over the backseat. Come around, get in the car and driving off.

Also, making sure that Roy saw it all. Arthit wanted to pat his own back.

By the time Kong came to his senses, they were far gone.

And now, Arthit had to face Kong's silent treatment. Which was frustrating. He didn't like it. Even for a blip. He wanted to hold the warmth in his arms. He wanted to kiss Kong.

Kongpob was restless. His heart was beating out of rhythm. And it hasn't calmed down from the last few minutes. As he kept toying with the ring on his left ring finger. Trying to blend in, with his new Identity.

The stunt Arthit pulled. Was making him fidget on his seat. What was that?

His skin felt to be burning. And he wished he found his breathe back. But, Arthit was continuously trying to coax him. Which wasn't helping. And calling him Baby. Which wasn't helping either. He just ended up blushing more.

So, he just hugged himself tight. Looking out, pretending to ignore Arthit. While all he was doing was, trying to get a grip on himself. And praying that Arthit didn't hear his heartbeat.

Kong jolted on his seat, when a car raced past them. His heart almost popping out of his mouth.

"Holy..." Kong gripped over his chest. Closing his eyes.

Trying hard to calm down. He hated speeding. It was unnerving. And dangerous. And can scare the hell out of you.

What are the chances, that you actually survive, speeding like a tornado? What's the hurry? Where's the hurry? Your destination is not running off somewhere. You can reach it, even without speeding.

"Kong. What's wrong?" Arthit's concerned voice caught Kong's attention.

Kong was too shaken, to recall, he was avoiding Arthit. As he kept gripping over his chest. With closed eyes.

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