Kongpob's guide on coaxing your Alpha.

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Kong jolted awake, with the sound of a loud rumbling thunder. He breathed heavy, holding the fabric he felt against his chest. He was having a nightmare. A very bad one. Shivering when he felt the cool breeze pass through his sweat slicked skin.

He rubbed away the perspiration on his skin and held the covers tight against his chest.

"P'Art..." He looked at the other side of the bed. To find it empty.

He looked around with tear filled eyes, feeling his heart sinking looking at the place he was in. He was in the room, where he last entered the day he was marked... The day he almost lost Arthit. He was back where it all began.

Their very first apartment, where they lived at.

The open windows let in the early afternoon light. The dark clouds and heavy shower blowing in a layer of mist along. It was cold. So cold.

Kong looked around with ragged breathes, Arthit was no where near him. He was in an empty room again. A strange scary deja vu filling his heart. Scaring him. The fear of whatever happened, repeating itself gripping his heart.

"Ar... Arthit?"

The only thing he was replied with was the howl of wind and the constant hissing of heavy shower.

No. Arthit can't leave him again. He wasn't dreaming everything right? He wasn't left alone again. Right?

He looked down at himself, he was wearing a white shirt and nothing else. The dread that gripped him, froze every cell in his body. He jumped down the bed and ran towards the door.

He pulled the door open, rushing outside with thudding heart. Ready to scream out his agony and fear. But his voice died in his throat. Eyes brimming with tears of relief, his lips trembling.

There he was. Standing out in the balcony. Wearing a black jogger and grey Henley. Talking to someone over phone, his back facing towards Kong. Calm rushed down Kong's body. As he ran towards his sanctuary. Throwing himself against Arthit's back.

He hugged tight around Arthit's torso, his hands opening in claws over the hard precise muscles. Nuzzling his face over the hard back, trembling from head to toe with the cold and relief that washed off all his energy. Letting his cold melt, with the comforting warmth that wrapped him. The essence of woods and rain, calming his raging mind.

"P'Arthit..." He whimpered, not caring that Arthit was on a call. "Please... It's so cold..."

Everything was quiet for a moment. Still and steady... Until Arthit walked backwards with Kong still clinging to him. Making Kong hug around tighter.

"Yes, I will talk to you later." Arthit's voice washed down Kong's skin.

Kong didn't wait as he stepped right in front of Arthit. Shivering with the cold gust of wind that rushed against skin. He looked up and let out a teary chuckle, cupping Arthit's face with his trembling hands. He raised on his toes and pulled Arthit's blank face closer, resting their foreheads together.

"I have you with me..." Kong whispered, kissing Arthit's nose tip. "I was so scared, not finding you besides me... So scared P'Arthit..."

Arthit clenched his jaws, looking into the charcoal eyes. He gripped Kong's lean waist, which felt a little chubby now. His fingers digging on the soft skin, as he pushed Kong back with ragged breathes and closed eyes.

"Dinner is ready." Arthit uttered lowly, walking past his bewildered mate.

Kong looked over with parted lips and wide eyes. Finally realising how cold Arthit's eyes looked. Kong's heart dropped as a loneliness gripped around him. Twisting his belly and numbing his left half till the tip of his fingers.

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