Lines, I'll cross. For You...

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Kongpob refused to take any kind of further hospitality from Toota. Infact, he stuffed all his sorrows in a bag and dumped it down the sewer.

He can't possibly take someone's help, who was three months in pregnancy.

Though Toota kept making a fuss and had an army of house workers. Kongpob made sure that Toota wasn't stressing up.

And Toota's husband, Ryan. Was so very thankful that someone was able to make his revolting husband rest back, that he almost teared up. Drowning Kong, under a sea of thanks.

Kongpob felt embarrassed. And overwhelmed, watching a huge and strong Alpha, being so open with his feelings. Without a sign of ego, that this particular creature was known to have.

While, Toota could only role his eyes. Caressing Ryan's hairs, while he weeped over Toota's tummy.

Kong had to continuously clear his throat. Or bite his lips, to hold back his laughter. Looking at the distressed looking Toota.

He met the unamused glance of Toota. And snickered... Hearing Ryan's sobs going louder.

"Record and send to Arthit." Toota mouthed at Kong. Continuing to caress Ryan's hairs.

Kong's eyes widened and he shook his head in reply, instantly.

Toota glared. "Now."

"Are you sure?" Kong mouthed back. Taking his phone.

Toota grinned and gave a thumbs up.

Kongpob sighed. Facing the camera at the hysterically sobbing businessman and Alpha. Apologising internally, as he recorded.

Kong gave a thumbs up, when he was done. Feeling very guilty.

And Toota, gestured to send it, with an evil grin.

Kongpob felt bad, for the poor man. And sent the whole video to Arthit. Looking unamused at a very satisfied looking Toota.

Though he kept continuosly coaxing Ryan. Who snuggled up, against Toota's tummy. Making Toota chuckle and shake his head.

Kongpob's heart melted with the sight. As he wondered, if he could have something of the sort, sometimes during the future... If he too could play pranks on someone who'd be... His husband.

Arthit stared at Jay, displaying the slides on the projector. They were in a meeting... Discussing their financial statements. And latest project's pros and cons.

Which... Arthit worked on...

He watched his elder brother, from the farthest corner of the dark meeting room. Presenting the charts, Arthit prepared.

Jay was doing a good job anyways... You just can't copy paste someone's reports, if you don't haven't done your homeworks...

Jay was as eligible as a leader. He was just repeating Arthit's reports...

Without even looking at it. And yet, not missing a single vital point.

Jay knew every possible arguments, there is. For the benefit of the projects and the benefactors. He was capable to even be the president of their empire.

Violating Arthit's reports for his benefits. Were just his way of getting at Arthit. To laugh at him. To mock him. For, Jay didn't need those reports. The data were already analysed and pasted in his brain.

So, were in Arthit's.

Did he care? Nope...

Arthit leaned back, staring blankly at the artificial ceiling... His mind drifting somewhere. Far, far away, from this dark room.

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