Mate's Cocoon.

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Kongpob never knew that the rustling of fabric can be so intimate, then the kisses that gets showered on him. The fabric rustled again, when he tried to move. His eyes never once raised, as it once dropped after Arthit smiled at him, being called as husband.

The situation so wary. But making him extremely flustered. So flustered, that he felt himself engulfed in flames.

He realised, he was saved. He realised he was no longer in the hell that he expected his life to become. Rescued by his mate.

He realised that his muscles were dead, his skin was scalding with the ointments that were applied to heal him. That he was naked, in bandages that... Arthit must have put on him. Changed him and treated him.

Seen his shameful condition. The embarassing treatment that he had gone through, by his own family.  That he couldn't save himself.

A strangled sob erupted from his throat, as he kept his head turned away. Trying hard to push Arthit away. He wanted to hide himself from the eyes that were looking at him. Even after everything, looking at him like he is the most beautiful thing in the whole world.

The passion that the hazel eyes portrayed, not hidden by the dim lights. Or the fact that Kongpob wasn't even Looking at Arthit in the eyes.

He didn't need to. He can feel Arthit's stare on his skin. Scorching him, with the fire that is always there the moment Arthit looks at him.

So much happened. Kongpob almost lost the only happiness that he found... Saw the dark side of his own father and sister...

He always knew that Kerkklai wanted to sell him... But he assumed they were just threats... No father can sell their own child. Right?

So much hatred... Why? What was his fault?

Another sob left his mouth. Remembering, that Arthit must have seen him in his most humiliated state. He must have seen how miserable he was...

He recalls Arthit marking him, in a church... In front of the deity. Confessing from his heart. Telling him the beautiful words from Arthit's heart. And he believed Arthit. He believed his mate. But...

"I... I... need to... use.. use the facilities, Oon..." Kongpob whispered, with a shaky voice.

Arthit didn't budge, his body or his penetrating stare. Letting his aura waft, feeling free that he no longer has to subdue it. Or hide his truth.

But Kongpob was unaware of Arthit's feelings. Drowned in feelings of his own. What if one day... Arthit stops loving him... Just the way his father did. Try to push him away and humiliate him.

Kongpob clawed Arthit's shoulders. The thought scaring him. The thought that, he will not be able to take it. He will not.

What his father did... Strangely not bothering him. The way Arthit's change of heart is going to.

Kongpob needed a little distance from Arthit's warm aura. From Arthit's eyes. From the feeling of safety. He needed to wrap his head around whatever happened.

And the fact that Arthit wasn't wearing any tee... Made Kongpob more hyper aware than he already was.

In his heart, he knows that Arthit isn't letting him go. Ever again. He can feel it in the eyes. And the way his mark kept breathing in his skin. Sending tingles down his spine. Telling him, that he is never leaving Arthit's side again. He can almost hear it.

The territorial vibes, not amiss by Kongpob. The content of Arthit, with Kongpob under him and with him. Not amiss by Kongpob.

And it scared him more. Scared him with how much home he felt. Scared him with the thought, that one day it will stop being there.

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