Against the world.

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Kong stared as the cop cars roll in, while he kept sitting inside the locked car. Only difference, Orion was standing by the car now, with crossed arms. Kong felt his heart sinking, not seeing his fiance for so long. Though he was feeling the mark. He still felt scared.

It's been almost close to forty minutes, that he was locked here. At some point he saw Arthit's another car roll in the parking. And Orion stepping out. He didn't know why but he felt relief wash over him. And the giant was standing outside the car he was locked in since then. Talking over the phone. Sometimes calm and sometimes furious.

While Kong just waited inside, dying in anticipation and curiosity every second.

His eyes widened, as his breathes caught in his throat watching the cops bring out the boy... And Arthit. In handcuffs. While the boy was free...

What is happening? How can this be happening? Everything was going fun. Then why?

"No." He breathed out. "No no no no no. P'Arthit please no. Don't touch him!"

He banged against the shut window breaking in sobs. This can't be happening. No. They are taking his mate away from him. They are trying to seperate them again.

His breathes caught, when Arthit turned his gaze to the car suddenly. And everything came to a stop. When their stares met with each other. Locking in a bond.

Kong sobbed again, when Arthit gave an assuring smile. Popping his dimples to their glory. Which broke more of Kong's heart. Watching the blue uniforms take Arthit in custody... Broke Kong's heart.

Why are they arresting his mate? It wasn't Arthit's fault. Why was this happening?

"Open the door." He banged harder, watching Orion talking to someone over the phone. "Open it!"

It was all his fault. All he got in Arthit's life, is misery and shame... He is the reason behind everything. He can't stop crying miserably. Dropping his head against the window. Continuing to bang his hand.

"Please open the door..."

Kong flinched hearing the locks click, he looked around with narrowed breathes. Then back where the cops held Arthit, to find his man already looking back at him. He was blank for a second in anticipation. Did the door really open? But how?

How?... He didn't have more time to wait. As he watched Arthit's face twitch in discomfort as he was shoved again.

Kong's eyes widened and he felt infuriated when they shoved the man who helped and saved people all his life.

He yanked the door open rushing out barefoot. In a snap. Sprinting towards the crowd. Arthit's eyes widened and he gritted his teeth looking at Kong rush towards him. With so much fear in his eyes.

No. He can't be here. He was just returning back to his smiling, happy self. Arthit didn't want him to face those nightmares again. And he surely will if he comes closer.

Arthit knows one thing about his omega. He becomes murderous, when Arthit gets involved. And the way he was rushing towards them, Arthit knows things can go wrong.

"Kongpob..." Arthit warned.

He haven't given his statement yet. He doesn't know the mess that was spilled back home. He was healing and becoming himself. And if he comes closer, Arthit knows Kong will be slapped with the whole impact at once.

Kong won't keep quiet. He won't care about anything else, if it meant saving Arthit. Strange, the way he has this blind faith in the kid. But he is sure of the events that'd ensue if Kong didn't stop.

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