A Husband's Promise.

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Kongpob stared, as white lab coat clad staffs, came and went from the emergency room. Sitting outside on a chair, hugging the packet which contained Arthit's things tight. His eyes fixed on the sign over the ICU.

The smell of disinfectant, alcohol and medicines making him feel dizzy. He never liked hospital. From the day he got tested an Omega. His father had hit his face so hard that day, he had fainted.

Kerkklai had left him all alone, in the care of the staffs. Leaving him scared and confronted. While the kind hearted doctor helped him come to consciousness and with his swelling cheek.

He had hated the polished white floors and monochromic interior of these life saving buildings from then. It scared him of being left alone again.

But the fear he felt that moment, subdued all other fears that he had ever felt in his life. He felt so scared and lonely, looking around the dimly lit corridor. With staffs coming and going around.

What if he lost something again? What if he is getting punished for giving Arthit so much distress? What if he won't be able to see or touch Arthit again?

Kongpob felt a dark and consuming void forming inside him. Numbing all his senses, his heart clenching so painfully, that his left side tingled with the excruciating burn.

Kongpob raised a shaky hand and touched over the still throbbing side of his neck. He whimpered, when his fingers came in touch with the raw skin.

But he accepted the pain. It being the only reminder that none of it was a dream... It happened and he is marked by his mate.

And also because, except for the throbbing burn... The mark remained extremely calm... Kongpob didn't like it... He didn't like the calmness of the mark.


Kongpob prayed from the deepest corner of his heart. Closing his eyes as he held the place of his mark.

Arthit... Don't leave me alone again, Alpha... I won't be able to take it...

Kongpob wanted to scream, like his insides did. Banging against him yelling to let out the pain. Yelling to be set free, to feel light.

But he kept sitting still... Dropping his arms on his lap. Staring at the red sign of the ICU.

Arthit's friends and family were in the lobby. They weren't allowed in the critical care area. Where only Kongpob remained and... Kongpob looked sideways, at the huge dark suited man sitting besides him. Orion... Kongpob came to know the man's name at some point.

Who looked equally nervous and upset. Never once leaving Kong's side. Kept remaining with him quietly.

Kongpob looked back at the room's sign again, hugging the packet tight. It's been close to fourteen hours... The new day started breaking long back. But there was no sign of telling Kongpob that Arthit is with him. And he felt aimless.

"He will be okay..." Orion mumbled besides him.

Kongpob wasn't sure to whome. As they kept looking at the sign.

"You should eat something and change your clothes..." Orion requested one more time. "I can go get you something..."

Kongpob for the first time was thankful to Kerkklai... For making him so habituated with starving and being dehydrated. He felt himself to be a professional in doing the same that moment.

So he kept remaining blank, without any response. Making Orion sigh and push closer to Kongpob. Kongpob felt thankful for that... He needed that comfort... And it didn't feel retaliating... Just a comforting presence.

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