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A/n: hope you remember the words I said in the first chapter about omegas, their bodies, their dresses... If not... Please do before proceeding.

Kong was sniffing and hugging the covers to his chest... He was restless and although very light headed and in pain with the waxing... He couldn't sleep... Even though he was very much sleepy... His whole body and heart was restless. Making him toss and turn.

Tutah fed him after his salon day. And gave him the cosiest room to stay... The room he slept in the first night he was here. And he still couldn't sleep. Or stop crying... He didn't know why he felt so vulnerable... That he just couldn't stop... Or maybe he knew why...

"Bhow..." Kong breathed in the silence of the night, holding the covers tight.

Arthit came back... But Tutah made it very clear... Since their wedding happens the very next day after the signing... This will be the night when they won't look at each other's faces for avoiding any bad omen. And Kong missed his husband... Missed him so much...

"Bhow..." Kong curled himself.

You should sleep... My Love... Just one night remember?

"I miss you... Please..."

Kong shivered, biting his lips... Only hearing deep, throaty chuckles in reply. Making him curl himself more inside the covers. Cold late October... But for some reason Kong kept the air conditioning on as he slipped more in the warmth. In a very uncomfortable, restless black out that he assumed to be sleeping.

Kong whined in his sleep, feeling himself dreaming... A vivid, clear dream... Of someone... Opening the door to the balcony, very stealthily shadowed with the moonlight that glimmered through the curtains... And entering... Kong froze... Even in his delirious state, Kong broke in cold sweats... Feeling something drop in his belly as he looked at the dark form... Shutting the door behind and Kong started exhaling deeply... Looking at the man standing there... Just looking at Kong's way.... And all kinds of possibilities... One more horrifying than the other popped Kong's head.

Kerkklai's face popping more than necessary... And Kong felt tears rolling down his eyes... Because he couldn't move... No matter how he tried... He just couldn't... Feeling something clogging in his throat that he tried to spill out... But nothing happened... All he did was let out guttural moans, drenching in his own fear... he wanted to vanish... Not liking the vulnerability... This was not the vulnerability he enjoys and craves for... this was gutting him.

He didn't want to be there... And his archangel... Wasn't perched on his shoulder that moment...

Kong jolted... Or what he felt like with a shock that ran through his skin... Hearing a deep chuckle that reverberated through the space... Breaking the dead silence... that sound twisted Kong's belly and made him slump at the same time. The closing in of the space on him didn't feel like a nightmare anymore. And he slowly but surely loosened his muscles. He didn't mind this dream... Not with the person... Or was he too drunk and delirious?

"You really think I am an Archangel?" Kong can hear the approaching footsteps.

Kong couldn't reply or he'd have said yes... A thousand times. But he focused his hooded eyes on the dark form approaching him. The aura that blasted away any freezing cold that surrounded the room and Kong knew he was safe... Again.

What a dream... What a beautiful picture... Kong felt something twitch on his face and he assumed it to be a smile. He wanted to spread his arms and welcome Arthit... Missing him so much. But he just couldn't move... He felt so weak.

"Baby... Archangels don't come wearing halo and pristine white robes..." There was something about Arthit's deep, raspy voice... Something consuming and unrelenting... Something so new and exciting... Something whole and it made Kong flush... "They are the warriors... They kill..."

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