˗ˋˏ helloˎˊ˗

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okay so i don't think anyone is going to read this, but if anyone is here, hello! this is going to be me ranting about anything and everything or just me treating this as a diary. holding diaries hasn't really helped and causes me to worry, because i don't know if anyone has found it and read it. i feel like writing on here might help, especially since no one knows who i am (if anyone reads it) and i mean maybe some people can relate or just read to entertain themselves with my problems and stuff. (maybe we can help each other out with advice and all that.) talking to strangers can be pretty helpful haha and it's good to know you're not alone. so yeah. this me letting everything out into the universe; i hope she hears me and my struggles and helps me.
(omg do you guys like the book cover thing? i made it and i took the picture of the sky a while ago heehee :D)

some things i could rant about may be triggering to some of you, i curse quite a lot, and i may say some nsfw things. i will try to put trigger warnings at the beginning of each rant, but i might forget. read at your own risk!

reminder to anyone here:

you are so wonderful, you are so valid and needed in this world. you are important and without you this world wouldn't be the same (it'd suck more than it already does.) i know sometimes it seems like it's not going to get better, and i've been there so many times and it's the worst thing ever, but it does. it may take a while, but it will happen. you have so much to live for. take time to yourself when you need to, there's nothing selfish about it. take care of yourself, treat yourself greatly because that's what you deserve. i love you so much and so so many other people do as well. if you ever need a friend or anyone to talk to i'm here for you.

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