Hades Blind Mate|49

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Chapter Published: March/2021
Chapter Edited: Oct/2021


"So what do we have? So far?" I asked Palton , she smiled at me.

Yes, Palton was here—her and Apollo were still strong but she had been wanting a place to call home. I welcomed her with open arms, and decided to make her my beta—she was half god, she could most definitely handle herself.

It was so good having my friend, we had barely spent any time together throughout the events of the past year and I realized I had missed her. The past few weeks we had grown pretty much inseparable, it was amazing having somebody that I could be close to and talk to for once while building my family's future.

"Well the pack house has been built, as well as the pack hospital, the school and multiple houses along with an apartment building, small college—they are still working on the parks and landscaping, your house is finished and they finished decorating an hour ago." Palton said, I smiled as I sat behind my desk.

I know it sounds hard to believe, but Mason had so many volunteers to help out—we had enough space for over 300 members already even if I would start off small. We were still working on the gathering place, which would be inside—I offered to pay everyone but nobody would accept, a few of the volunteers had actually asked to join and Mason was happy to help them.

I had just gotten the official paperwork approval for the name of my pack, I was excited because it meant I could put up the pack sign with the name of my pack.

"That's good, soon we can start looking through applications." I said, she laughed and went to a huge box sitting in the corner.

"I'd start now, Mason says it'd be smart to start looking through everything—things will be different with you with your powers." She said, I nodded.

"Being able to show memories, see memories—I think it'll give me a better understanding of the people who join my pack." I said, she nodded—I smiled.

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