Hades Blind Mate|15

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"You dummy!" I said angrily, I wasn't too mad because I understood why he was so excited to take the pill but he could've been smarter.

"FUCKKKKKK!" Hades screamed, I heard his spine begin to snap all the way down and his body begins to transform.

"It's going to take a while, Babe, you were never a wolf so the transition is going to be brutal." I spoke softly, I couldn't be near him due to the fact he minds attack me.

He didn't respond, his body was growing patches of fur began to peak from his skin. It was painful to watch, it was so different than when we wolves went through it as a child or at least how I transitioned.

His face began to form a snout, his hands and legs became paws. The sound of his bones, snapping and reshaping echoed through the room.

"This is disturbing." Poseidon spoke, his eyes glued to Hades.

"Shh, don't talk too much—he's going to be confused and angry until he communicates with his wolf." I spoke, Zeus and Poseidon just seemed amazed.

Then there was silence, a huge blackish-blue wolf stood there being held by chains with his teeth baring with anger. His eyes were pure wolf, I knew Hades was being repressed due to the fact this wolf probably knew that his human was different.

"Hello, my mate." Morana spoke through me, only she would be able to guide this wolf.

"Where am I?" The male wolf replied, his voice confused and angry.

"You are in a body, his name is Hades and he is the god of the underworld."

"I've been reborn? He is strong and noble and my mate is beautiful and courageous." The wolf responded I knew he was strong.

"My name is Morana, my body belongs to Seina." Morana told him, Zeus and Poseidon watched in amazement.

"Hello my mate, I shall protect and love you till the end of time—this is my duty." The wolf responded, he was very respectful—he reminded me of a warrior.

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