Hades Blind Mate|11

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"So what do we do about her mother?" I ask while everyone looks at Hades with their mouths wide open.

"Uh?" Apollo stuttered, I looked at their faces and back at Hades.

"Why are they flipping out about you saying I love you?" I asked confused; shock emitted from his face.

"I said that?" He responded; everyone including myself nodded.

"Yes, like 2 seconds after I said it." I replied feeling confused; Morana didn't get it either.

"Well shit." Hades muttered, a smile playing on his cheeks.

"What's going on? I'm confused?" I asked my voice sounding slightly whiny but could you blame me.

"I've never said it before, to anybody, not even my ex-wife." He told me, but he said before he didn't love her so he had to have said it.

"But you told her you didn't love her anymore? So how could she know without you saying it?" I asked confused, he chuckled and held my hand to his heart.

Instantly I felt waves of emotions and love were definitely there spreading through my body like bright red and blue flamed filling me whole. I definitely needed to kill Persephone forever being allowed to feel this, I seriously hated the bitch.

"Holy shit." I muttered holding onto his shoulder as I removed my hand.

"I could never say the words, no matter how much I tried they were stuck in my throat but then you came along and I could say them." He said and I giggled.

"Guess I'm special then." I said smirking; kissing his lips softly.

"I don't know if I should be happy for you or completely freaked out by how mushy the god of the underworld is acting." One guy said, everyone nodded.

Hades Blind Mate ✔ COMPLETED |18+Where stories live. Discover now