the Contract

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《This art is made Bye 🥁🥁🥁 seki0930 on deviantart》
While thorin is eating Y/N sits by Gandalf as Fili sits next to her "What news from the meeting Eerd luin did they all come" Balin Said "Aye, envo...." thorin said as Y/N drowned out the talking "will my family be looking for me what about my apartment dame oww well at least I will go on an adventure" Y/N thought

{2:15 is where this part is }

As Y/N was brought out of her thoughts by Thorin "ENOUGH" Thorin yelled "If we had read these signs do you not think others will have read them to? Rumors have begun to spread The dragon Smaug has not been seen for sixty years Eyes look East to the mountain. assessing. wondering. Weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected Do we sit back While others claim what is rightfully ours. Or
Do we seize this chance to take back Erebor" Thorin said as the dwarfs cheered as Y/N smiles at the seen in front of her she felt a hand on hers to see Fili hand on hers as he looked at her and smiled as Y/N removed her hand "You forgot the front gate is sealed there is no way into the mountain" Balin said "That my dear Balin . Is not entirely true" Gandalf said pulled out the key "How came you by this" Thorin said "it was given to me by your father by Thrain, for safekeeping it is yours now" Gandalf said give the  key to Thorin { Skip} Y/N is with the dwarfs

As the dwarfs sings the song Y/N went to sleep "where am I" Y/N said walking in a white forest "Hello any one here" Y/N said looking around to find  crystal white pillar "wow what's this" Y/N said as she walked a bit closer to it then she stopped "maybe I should not touch the crystal pillar in my dream" Y/N said as she back away from it she keep walking  away from it but it seem to be sucking her in "what is happening this is my dream" Y/N said as she was now in front of the pillar as her hand touched the pillar her hand started to turn into crystal she tried to pull her hand away "Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N"..? Someone was trying to wake her up as now the crystal covered her whole excepted her face as the crystal started to close in on her face "you son of a bi$$$" Y/N said as she finally wakes up to see Gandalf in front of her "are you all right I heard you talking in you'r sleep" Gandalf said standing up as Y/N sits up "yeah just a weird  Nightmare" Y/N said "well you need to get ready for an
adventure"Gandalf said
"Alright just let me stretch" Y/N said as you stretch like Goku
《Sorry for the delay in update I will try and get better at it enjoy the chapter my fellow barbarians》

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