The Sword

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"What do you mean by interesting," Elrond asked

"It was nothing Elrond, have I said that you are stunning this evening," Y/N huffed

Elrond blushed at this and Y/N smiled at him while looking at each other, Saruman looked over at Gandalf as he greeted him,


Surumam glanced behind him before staring back at Y/N and said,

"You have been busy of late, my friend,"

Gandalf saw the glare he was giving
Y/N, and took note of it before telling him,

"Yes, I have been busy of late,"

"With a legend nonetheless," Saruman said

Saruman saw the way Y/N and Elrond chuckled to each other, He felt his master's influence come to him again. However Gandalf talks with him,

"It was told Suruman. I didn't think it would be me guiding her,"

"Why wouldn't you Gandalf?"

"Lady of Crystal,"

Y/N looked up at Galadriel walking towards them but Elrond didn't look at her neither did Gandalf and Suruman.
Galadriel now stood in front of you with a soft smile,

"That is who you are, right?"

Y/N stares at her in awe,

"Pretty woman in front of me," Y/N thought

Galadriel chuckled making You think you said that out loud, Y/N got out of your chair saying,

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud,"

"It's ok lady of crystal," Galadriel chuckled

Y/N blushed hearing her laugh while Galadriel's face turned strict, She placed her hand next to Y/N asking,

"I know you legends here Lady of Crystal however I have a bad presence that you might have to face,"

She stared at Y/Ns face looking for something.

"Or you have already," She let out,

Galadriel leaned closer to Y/N while Y/N kept thinking,

"What does she mean by a bad presence,"

Sauron eyes eliminate your vision while a sword appears next to her on the table, Galadriel sees that Y/N is falling and knows who was behind you sitting in the chair, Y/N falls back onto Elrond,


It wasn't Elrond speaking to you, Y/N looked up at Elrond and saw how close you were to him,

"You have seen him,"

Y/N looked back at Galadriel only to be pulled out of Elrond's lap, Galadriel stopped you from slipping holding Y/N still.

"I apologize for pushing you Y/N but this is a very dangerous time," Galadriel told her,

"I understand Galadriel, he has been in my dream... "

Y/N is cut off by Sururon brushing off Gandalf's worries,

"Tell me Gandalf did you think that these plans and schemes of yours would go unnoticed?"

"Unnoticed? No, "

He saw Galadriel holding Y/N up having your arm wrapped around Galadriel,

"I'm simply what I feel is right, "

Y/N felt a tug on your arm and saw Galadriel staring down at you,

"I will want to know more soon Lady of Crystal. But for now, we must deal with this,"

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