Tale of crystal

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"This is beautiful," Y/N whispered

Y/N has been out on a balcony looking at the stars in awe, they sparkled in the sky glowing a gorgeous blue color. Y/N breathes deeply. 


She turns to him. He stands there in awe, the glow of the moon on Y/N skin makes her shine, her eyes seem to have a light to them, making him feel heat rise on his face,  

"What's up," Y/N asked

Lindir smiles at her making Y/N shutter thinking, "Shit I did it again"
Lindir looks at the sky and says,

"The sky seems to be What's up,"

Y/N giggles at him and he starts to laugh with her making an echo.

"You got me there," Y/N said

Lindir stands next to Y/N. She gives a soft smile while looking at the stars,
Lindir turns his gaze to her watching her eyes light up with color he never thought of. Y/N looks at him finding Lindir staring at her and says,

"Your eyes there something in them,"

Y/N confused moves close to him saying,  "What do you mean by that? Is there something in my eye,"

Y/N starts to rub her eye making Lindir chuckle at her moving her hands out of her face,

"No, what I mean is that their sparkle in your eyes," Lindir said

Y/N glanced at his hands holding hers, she noticed how close they were and blushed, Lindir caught the pink hue letting go of her hand,

"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable lady crystal," Lindir said

"Lady crystal?" Y/N questioned

Y/N remembered how she controlled the crystal, it felt familiar to her. She looked away from him glancing at her hands,

"There have been tales of a woman who can control crystal," Lindir said

"Well I guess you can say I shine like a diamond," Y/N said

Lindir laughed at her pun,

"I suppose you can my lady," Lindir says

Y/N looks at him noticing how his hair shines in the moonlight casting a glow on his eyes,

"I'm going to bed. I hope to see you in the morning," Y/N said 

Y/N moves away from him about to walk away only to have her hand caught,

"If I may ask are your truly what they say?" Lindir said

"What do you mean by that? The crystal thing..." Y/N said

Lindir nods letting out a faint yes,
Y/N takes a deep breath not wanting to look weak in front of him. She doesn't know what happened to her. One moment she watched her favorite move and then got sucked into it having a weird crystal ability and now a tale that talks about her,


She felt his hand touch her face, he looks at her in concern knowing that gaze of despair and turmoil and he wiped away the tear falling down her face,

"Don't let that darkness hold you. Let it out I'm here," Lindir said

She stopped, all this time and I didn't think about how I was doing, how's my family... I know they're fine they can handle themselves but I'm not there to help if need be. Lindir pulled Y/N into a hug, his arms wrapped around shielding her from her doubts,

"You've done nothing to think that way, yes you may worry but that will do nothing but stress you," Lindir said

Y/N snuggles into his chest the unfamiliar weight starts to set in, crushing her, Lindir lays his chin on her head, reassuring her with whispers of clarity. While the moonlight shines on them.



A light mist moves around her. Y/N tries to tighten her hold on Lindir... she looks up, finding him gone, only mist in his place. 


Y/N sees the mist moving around her, swarming her. Until it raised above her, making a shape. 

"What's happening?" Y/N asked herself 

the mist swirled in the air, shifting into the eye of modern glowing a vibrant orange with its slit black pupil starting at her,

"W...was..what?" Y/N mumbles


Y/N watched as the mist around her turn the same color as the eye,

You are true

Made of the same light as the stone

Y/N grunts as if something pushed her closer to the eye. Y/N covers her eyes as the mist swirls around her,


"LEAVE ME ALONE," Y/N yelled

I can't you have something that

"Y/N? What..."

The eye looks around trying to find the source of the voice, Y/N watched as the eye stopped at her, squinting.

You have no idea what power you hold

"I have no idea what I'm doing half of the time now this, Sauron you b#tch fight me," Y/N said

The eye widens at her,

Hahaha... You are amenable to point I might just keep you alive

Y/N scoffed,

"I die when I die. you have no rule over me. Now leave," Y/N said

A low rumble went around her,

"Y/N wake...up,"

You have no rule over anything you wor... 

He stopped watching the woman move from being far away from him to face him, Y/N being tired of this dream stands in front of the eye saying,

"You have no right to come into my beautiful dream and ruin it," Y/N said

She moves her fist,


Y/N slowly wakes up, eyes groggy from her slumber and a hand placed on her cheek is pleasant...

Y/N grabs the hand shooting up from her bed and trying to look at the person who was touching her,

"Who?" Y/N asked

"It's fine Y/N just blink,"

Y/N blink her eye and then look at the man in front of her,

Hello, my fellow barbarians this chapter is a little weird but I like it,

If anything I might just end it here but I'm had a little request from a friend of mine,

But goodbye my fellow barbarians,

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