Chapter 8

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"So now you decide to show up." Ranpo's voice was filled with venom and if looks could kill the two alphas in front of him would have been dead ten times over. He honestly couldn't believe the two in front of him. They had royally fucked up. They had caused Atsushi to be in this condition. They stayed silent while Ranpo continued to glare at them. Ranpo didn't want to let either of them come anywhere near Atsushi but he knew he had to as it was the only way Atsu would recover. The smartest detective watched as the two alphas walked over to the ashen white haired male's bed and each grabbing a hand.

"What do we do Dazai?" Chuuya looked up at his other soulmate with saddened dark eyes. He could feel tears start to fall as he couldn't even imagine the pain their younger soulmate went through to end up here. Chuuya realized then that they both failed to protect their soulmate. Granted he didn't think he had to protect Atsushi from himself and Dazai. He gripped onto Atsushi's hand tightly as if the omega would disappear at any moment.

"I don't know Chuuya. I really don't know." This was the first time Dazai didn't know what to do, it left him unsettled as he always was able to put things together and come up with a plan. He was at a loss. He gripped Atsushi's other hand tightly, as he couldn't believe the omega was laying there fighting for his life. He didn't want to believe that he was part of the cause of Atsushi's pain. He didn't want to believe that he had failed to protect some he cared about again. Dazai looked up at Ranpo for at least some guidance. He wouldn't blame the beta for not wanting to help if he so pleased. He tried not to flinch at the death glare he and Chuuya were receiving.

Honestly if he was in Ranpo's shoes he wouldn't even want the people who caused his best friend harm anywhere near them. His mask broke as he thought of if something isn't done both he and Chuuya would lose their soulmate. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Ranpo seeing the desperation on both of the alpha's faces he thought that was a good thing. He wanted them to realize the mistake they made. No matter how much he wanted the two younger alphas to figure it out on their, he couldn't waste time as Atsushi didn't have time. But that didn't mean he had to go easy on them or spare their feelings.

"If you both had just listened to me in that alleyway weeks ago we wouldn't be in this position. Atsushi wouldn't be lying in that bed fighting for his life." Ranpo watched them flinch from his words, regret filling their eyes. He noticed they had both let out a small whimper and glanced down at their wrists. So it seemed things have progressed in the worst way possible. Atsushi no longer had any time to spare.

Both alphas felt an intense burning sensation in their wrist that caused them to glance at their soulmarks. Their eyes widened as one half of their soulmark faded even more. They quickly searched out Atsushi's soulmark only to gasp. The omega's soulmark was almost completely gone. The color in their eyes faded as they realized that they might be too late, that there was no saving their omega.

"Both of you just stop it. Honestly watching this is pathetic. Stop pitying yourselves and do something about this. It is not too late to save him but it will be if you decide to keep ignoring your bond with Atsu." He could see them both questioning on how they could help his best friend. Both alphas stared at him with sickening depressed looks. It made Ranpo sigh on the inside as these two are absolute idiots. He kept the glare on his face as he was still extremely angry. When he had told them that there was still a way to save Atsushi their eyes lit up. He knew the two alphas would do anything to save their soulmate. He might as well toss them a bone as he would do anything to save his best friend.

"Be the alphas you were supposed to be from the beginning. Give Atsushi the love and attention that he deserves from his soulmates. Actually man up and get over yourselves. I am sick trying to pick up the pieces you have left scattered. Be the mates Atsushi needs and deserves." He turned around waving a hand in goodbye. The two alphas watched the beta walk away but before he closed the door Dazai spoke up.

"Thank you Ranpo." Ranpo stopped in the doorway as he held onto the door.

"Don't get me wrong I didn't do this for you. I did this for Atsushi. He deserves the world after what he has been through." He closed the door behind him thinking that there was nothing more he could do as it was now both in the two alphas hands.

Dazai had watched Ranpo leave before turning back to his omega. He couldn't believe that he caused this much damage to one of the ones he loved. He had swore to himself that he wouldn't hurt anyone emotionally unless he absolutely had to. He had made a pact to not do what he used to in the Port Mafia. He pulled a chair over to Atsushi's bedside so he could sit and watch over his soulmate, silently promising to do whatever to make his soulmates happy.

"We really fucked up." Chuuya sat on the bed next to Atsushi's leg, gently stroking the hand he was holding. The redhead knew that he messed up when he first saw Atsushi in the hospital bed as pale as the white sheets that covered him. He felt the weight of the situation, it almost felt like his ability had turned on him and was forcing him to feel how his enemies felt when he used it on them. Tears started to silently run down his face as he had never meant Atsushi to ever go through this much pain and suffering. As he watched over his omega he vowed to himself that he would do what was whatever necessary to help him get better.

Dazai looked up at Chuuya for a moment noticing the other crying. He looked to Atsushi deciding that his omega wasn't the only one he needed to show that he loved him. He stood up placing the white haired male's hand down gently. He silently walked over to the other alpha placing a hand onto the ginger's cheek. He lifted the slightly older male's face so he could look into ocean blue eyes. He stared into the executive's eyes before placing a gentle kiss onto soft lips.

"This has been long overdue." He whispered as he pulled back, placing his forehead onto the other's.

"It has and now we need to show our omega that we do love him. That we are selfish alphas who thought about nothing but themselves." Chuuya agreed, pulling back to look at Atsushi. He stood up forcing Dazai to step back. He bent over the omega placing a loving kiss onto chapped lips. He could feel the ex-executive stare at him as he stayed there for a moment. When he pulled back to whisper into Atsushi's ear.

"I truly do love you Atsushi. I am sorry for causing you so much pain and for making you believe that I didn't love you." He jumped a little when he felt a hand be gently placed onto his back.

"I also love you Atsushi. I am sorry as well for making you believe otherwise. From here on out your alphas will be here right by your side. We promise to always love and cherish you." Dazai placed a kiss onto Atsushi's forehead before lightly kissing his lips.

"We promise to right our wrongs. So Atsushi please wake up." Both said in unison as they looked at their omega with eyes filled with remorse and love. No matter how long it took they would be here right beside the unconscious omega. 

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