Chapter 6

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A couple hours before Atsushi was taken to the hospital Dazai and Chuuya were given a stakeout mission. They both had to gather evidence on a gang that seemed to be selling drugs and armory to local high school students. A gang that also seemed to be housing two terrorists. Neither of them talked to each other unless it was about the mission or a plan about other missions. As they watched the gang inside Dazai felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he didn't bother to check who it was as he was pretty sure it was Kunikida calling to complain about something he did again. Without either of them noticing their hands went to their wrists rubbing at their soulmark. They had noticed that their wrists started to burn slightly but shook it off as their imagination. Both had covered up their soulmarks with bandages so they didn't know that their soulmarks were fading slightly on one side. Dazai ignored the phone causing Chuuya to turn and look at him exasperated as it kept ringing.

"Aren't you going to answer that shithead?"

"Why no~ Chi-bi~ It is most likely Kunikida calling to be mean to me again!" He waved one arm in the air as his other one went across his chest to right over his heart. By the time Dazai stopped being dramatic the phone had stopped only for it to immediately ring again. Dazai pulled the phone out of his pocket to look at who was calling and of course he was right. The red haired alpha looked back glaring toward the warehouse trying to at least pay attention.

"Answer the damn phone Mackerel." Chuuya grunted as it seemed like the phone wouldn't stop ringing anytime soon. He sometimes really hated Dazai when he was in a dramatic mood as that normally meant that the brunette alpha wouldn't leave him alone. He kept an ear tuned into Dazai to see if he would actually pick up the call.

The younger alpha got a wicked smile on his face when he picked up the phone.He of course was going to try to start trouble like usual. He loved teasing (read torturing) Kunikida as he always wanted to figure out ways to make him snap. When he picked the phone up he didn't give the blonde haired beta a chance to talk. He talked about anything and everything that he thought would annoy the man on the phone. He was then cut off by Kunikida, his voice sounding off. It put Dazai on edge. Chuuya looked over when he noticed his soulmate had fidgeted which told the red headed alpha something was off. He couldn't really hear what the person on the other side of the phone was saying.

"Oi Dazai! Shut up for a minute." The brunette tried to ignore the seriousness in the beta's voice while still being playful as he didn't want to give away that he had no idea what was wrong. That was new to him as he normally knew what was going on at all times.

"Buuuut Ku~ni~ki~da~"

"Dazai." Dazai froze at Kunikida's voice as he only heard the beta use this sharp and cold tone only a handful of times. He only used that voice when something was extremely serious and required Dazai's complete attention. Dazai stopped his playfulness immediately knowing that now was not the time for his usual antics. Chuuya noticed the alpha's switch in emotions taking in the serious but confused face of his soulmate. He walked over to the other nudging him so he could quietly ask what was going on.

"Hey what is he saying?" The red headed alpha whispered as he saw Dazai shrug at him. Taking the phone off of his ear, Dazai put the phone on speaker so Chuuya could also hear what the beta was saying as it seemed that it was something they both needed to know. Both stayed deathly silent as they waited for the beta to continue.

"You and Chuuya are to come back to headquarters immediately. The mission has been postponed to a later date until someone else can take it over." Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other confused as things were going smoothly with the mission so why would they stop now.

"Why would that be necessary Kunikida? Me and Chuuya are doing just fine taking care of things here." They both were trying to figure out why they were being pulled out now as this was an extremely important mission. As they were thinking until the next thing said made them snap out of their thoughts freezing both alpha's in place.

"Atsushi is in the hospital."

At those words both felt something drop in their stomachs and a lump in their throats. As they tried to process what was just said both just stared at the phone silence taking over their end of the call. There was no way as Atsushi was fine when they last saw him this morning. Yeah they noticed he was a little out of it but they thought that was due to lack of sleep. Kunikida couldn't hear anything and he got worried the call disconnected so he looked at his phone screen to see that the call was still ongoing. His eyebrows furrowed as he strained to hear anything. He slightly jumped when Chuuya's voice came through the silence.

"What are you talking about? He was fine when we left." Kunikida sighed as he thought they at least noticed what was happening to their mate but apparently he was wrong.

"He collapsed while at work. He wouldn't wake up so the president and Ranpo took him to the hospital to meet up with Yosano." Both alphas looked at each other with fear in their widened eyes. Their thoughts were running a mile a minute as it finally clicked that their soulmate was in the hospital. The older alpha took the phone from the brunette taking it off speaker putting up to his ear.

"We are on our way." He hung up the phone right after he turned to Dazai. The brunette snapped out of it quickly grabbing the shorter male's arm and started to run to the agency's car. The fear and guilt that both of them felt was nothing like they ever felt before. How could they have not noticed that something was wrong with Atsushi? Once at the car Dazai pushed Chuuya into the driver's side before sliding into the passenger seat himself. Chuuya started the car and immediately pulled out of the alleyway pressing on the gas.

"This is our fault isn't it?" Chuuya's voice shook with fear and guilt as he thought about his sweet innocent soulmate. Dazai looked down at his bandaged hands as he felt the fear try to control his thoughts. He had never let his emotions get so out of control as he always needed to be in control otherwise the people around him got hurt.

"I-I don't know Chuuya. I don't know." Dazai's voice was saturated with fear and worry. During the whole duration of the car ride both were thinking of one thing. Please be okay Atsushi.

When they arrived at the Agency Chuuya stayed in the car so once Dazai gave their report and got where Atsushi was taken they could just take off. Dazai ran up the stairs as quickly as he could. He wanted to get this report done so all they had to worry about was Atsushi. He slammed the door to the agency open seeing Kunikida at his desk writing frantically on his laptop. The alpha ran over only to stop right in front of the desk. Kunikida looked up and froze for a few seconds at the look in Dazai's eyes.

"Don't worry about reporting. The president told me that you can write it out later. The first thing you both need to do is be by Atsushi's side. Here." Dazai grabbed the slip of paper as he realized it had the address to the hospital on it.

"Now get out of here. Your mate needs you both." The alpha didn't need to be told twice as he ran out of the room. Kunikida had never seen his partner move that fast but he was glad as it meant that he actually cared about the agency's sunshine. He just hoped those two weren't too late to save their mate. He quickly got back to work after he sent a text to Ranpo and Yosano to let them know that the alphas were on their way. He hoped the two alphas could fix the damage they have caused. 


Things are getting serious. What do you think Dazai and Chuuya are going to do? Will they forget the promise they made to each other and be there for Atsushi of will they still stand by that promise? Find out in the next chapter!!

Let me know what you think of this chapter!! Also I am debating on if I should post chapter 7 this week or next week.

This month I will also be posting 12 Days of BSD Yaoi fanfics with different pairings and themes. You can request a certain pairing and/or theme through sending me a message on tumblr @ammdrawings.

As always votes, comments, follows, and bookmarks are always appreciated!!

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