Chapter 5

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Both alphas looked up at him as he got closer to them. He opened jewel green as he glared at both of them. They were really pissing him off with their nonchalant postures as if they weren't slowly killing their omega. He seriously didn't understand how two alphas could just ignore their mate especially to the kind hearted omega that looked for nothing but love and acceptance.

"What did you need to talk about Ranpo? That is quite the impressive glare you have. Did someone steal your sweets again?" Dazai smirked as he looked at the obviously pissed off beta. Ranpo's face didn't change, he will not let Dazai's teasing affect him.

"Are you both complete idiots? Because I think you are." Ranpo tried not to hiss out but it did not work he was just that pissed. He knew both of the alphas loved Atsushi but they sure had a shitty way to do it. So much so that it was slowly killing the omega. Chuuya started to fiercely glare at the beta he did not appreciate being insulted. The dark haired beta crossed his arms as he watched the red haired alpha step closer but was stopped by the brown haired alpha.

"We would appreciate it if you would just tell us what you need to so we can go finish our mission."

"Fine I will get straight to the point.....Are you both trying to kill your mate? If you are, shooting him in the head would be a kinder and a less painful way to go." He continued to glare at them when he saw them try to hide a flinch.

"What are you talking about Ranpo?" Both Dazai and Chuuya knew that their decision would hurt Atsushi but what did he mean they were killing him. Atsushi was fine the last time they checked on him secretly, yeah he seemed a little down but he was fine.

"I am talking about you two rejecting your mate and sending him into an omegan drop." Both of the alphas stared at the older male with blank expressions. Honestly the beta expected this as the two of them had grown up in the Port Mafia and he knew they didn't get much education in dynamics. Ranpo also knew that nothing he would say will get how serious this is into the alphas' heads. Sometimes he hated how stubborn alphas were and how much their pride got in the way. After confirming his theory on how everything was going to go he shook his head and sent a knowing look toward the two alphas. He and Edgar would just have to try their absolute best to hold off the worst of it so Atsushi's alphas can get their heads out of their asses.

"You both really are idiots. Whatever, just get your heads out of your asses soon or there will be dire consequences." He turns to leave with a look of disappointment painted on his face. He really didn't understand how people could just reject their soulmate or soulmates. There were soulmate bonds for a reason. He stopped at a pastry shop to buy some sweets for himself and Atsushi before heading back to the agency.

Chuuya and Dazai both watched Ranpo leave as they both had thoughts tumbling around in their minds. The brunette tried to figure out what the beta male meant when saying he and Chuuya were slowly killing Atsushi. Blue and brown eyes met as both looked at each other with broken expressions as they both realized that them ignoring Atsushi was obvious which meant Atsushi knew they were avoiding him like he was a plague. They both felt guilty but at the same time they were adamant in their decision and nothing would change that. Both alphas wiped their faces of emotion and headed out to finish their mission.

Atsushi was focusing on his paperwork as much as he could, his thoughts were slowly being consumed by his omega instincts. The omega in him kept telling him to do everything he could to get the attention of his mates. He had to make sure all of his work was perfect and every mission he went on was successful. As weeks went by he thoughts became more and more consumed by instinct. He slowly stopped eating and sleeping focusing more on getting paperwork done. Everyone at the Agency and even Akutagawa started to realize something was wrong with Atsushi as he would show up to work or missions with bags under his eyes. It came to the point that the only time he ate was when Ranpo dragged him to his apartment with Edgar. The beta and omega pair tried all the could to slow the process of the omegan drop but nothing seemed to help.

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