Chapter 1

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A Couple Months After Oda's Death

There was a quaint little place where three friends went to drink together. It was a quiet secluded bar that played smooth jazz in the background. In said bar sat a lone figure who was dressed in black clothing and bandages. In his hand he held a glass of whiskey, humming to himself. His chocolate eyes looked dead to the world if anyone were to look into them. He had been there for a good while reminiscing the good times that happened. This would be the last time the alpha visited this bar. The door to the bar opened, walking in was a red haired alpha that wore a hat. He stared at the brunette for a moment before sighing and sitting next to said man.

"You know sitting here by yourself is just sad." The blue eyed man knew what was going to happen once the brunette left this bar. He wasn't exactly happy about it but he also knew it would be better for them both.

"You think so?" Chocolate brown eyes look up at the Port Mafia executive with a smirk.

"Dazai I know what you're going to do. I'm not exactly happy about it but I understand." The shorter male shook his head sadly looking at his wrist where he saw his soulmark. His soulmark looked just like the males next to him. A straight line with a half filled diamond in the middle indicating that there was another. A person neither had met and interacted with.

"Chuuya. Stay safe please." Dazai whispered under his breath hoping it wasn't heard. Of course the man known as Chuuya Nakahara the gravity manipulator heard. The brown haired alpha stood up and turned away ready to walk out.

"Who do you think I am Bastard? Of course I will." The red haired alpha scoffed. The brunette nodded walking out the door.

"It's better this way." The taller alpha whispers to himself as he stands outside the door. He loved the red haired alpha and his other soulmate but didn't want to hurt them to the point of break. Dazai looked up at the night sky for a moment before leaving the alleyway the bar was located in. Inside the bar the red haired alpha sat by himself wishing his soulmates happiness without him. He couldn't risk getting too close to them and then hurting them with corruption. He just couldn't do that to the one he loved. That was the night Dazai Osamu the man with the ability to nullify anyone's ability left the Port Mafia. He knew this was for the best.

There was an agreement between the two soulmates that they were to stay apart to not complete the bond. If they were to find their mystery soulmate they would not pursue them. Little did they know how much damage that will cause their soulmate.

At A Orphanage Outside Yokohama

A young omegan boy with white hair and sunset eyes sat in a cold dark room hungry, shivering, and lonely. He had been in here for two days after he was punished. He could still hear the headmaster's words ringing in his head.

"This is what an orphan like you deserves. You are a useless worthless being." His eyes teared up as these words kept repeating. The only reason he was holding out was because of what his wrist told him. He had a soulmark with a straight line with an unfilled diamond in the center. He could only hope he could get out of here to meet his soulmate one day. He hoped but he also didn't want to burden his soulmates. He knows he turns into a tiger and destroys the orphanage's vegetable garden and chicken coop. He knows he is the reason the orphanage has a shortage of food. It being one of the reasons he only gets fed table scraps. Almost daily he gets punished for things the other kids blamed on him. Some days were worse than others when it comes to the headmaster punishing him. There were days where he would be electrocuted and drowned, others he wasn't given any food. He could only hope that he will be free one day.

4 Years Later

An omegan boy with white hair laid on the ground next to a river hungry. The orphanage had kicked him out as soon as he turned 18. He didn't know where to go so he tried to walk to the closest city. He didn't have any money so he had to go through trash cans behind restaurants to get food but even that was a hit and miss situation. As he laid on the ground he saw a man standing on the edge of a bridge about to jump. He quickly stood up and rushed over to the tall man.

"Don't jump!!" He yelled out while running toward the bridge. The man on the bridge looked over his shoulder to see a scrawny looking boy rushing toward him. Once the boy reached him he turned his body so his front was facing the boy.

"Why shouldn't I?" He calmly asked, looking into purple and yellow eyes. His first thought when seeing those eyes was that they look like a sunset.

"Because there is so much to live for." Atsushi looked up into melted chocolate eyes. The omega took in the sight of the man in front of him. He had wavy chocolate brown hair with molten chocolate eyes that looked to have a reddish tint. His neck and arms were wrapped in bandages underneath a sandy brown trench coat. The man just stared at him like he could see through his very soul.

"I see. My goal is to commit suicide without burdening anyone and I guess I have burdened you. So I now can't go through with it." The alpha said dramatically waving his arms. "What is your name?" The taller male was intrigued with this young boy.

"I-I I am A-Atsushi N-N-Nakajima" Atsushi stuttered nervously looking at his feet.

"Well Atsushi since I have burdened you is there something I can do to repay you?" The alpha studied the young boy. The boy was silent for a while as he thought this over but then jumped when a loud voice called out.


"Oh hey Kunikida you found me. Good job!" The brunette waves his hand lazily with a smirk on his face. Kunikida was about ready to strangle his partner's neck.

"Dazai...." The silver haired boy murmured looking to the brown haired alpha.

"That is my name. I am Osamu Dazai. My friend"

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