Chapter 7

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Dazai flew down the stairs straight to the car sliding in reciting the address immediately. Chuuya stepped on the gas flying down the road. Both tried to calm themselves and rein their emotions in as they didn't want to appear frantic when they got to the hospital. Their thoughts were out of control as they imagined what was wrong with their omega. Scenarios that were outrageous and ones that seemed way too realistic that it scared them. They didn't want to lose their soulmate even though they both agreed to ignore their soulmarks and ultimately their omega. No matter how often they tried to convince themselves that they didn't love their omega or each other they couldn't truly believe it. They knew that they would always love their soulmark and soulmates. Arriving at the hospital Chuuya quickly parked the car both jumping out of the car. Both walked as calmly as they could especially after entering the hospital. Once inside they looked around only to see Yosano sitting in a chair off to the side reading over what looked like a patient's chart.

Hearing the doors slide open the purple haired alpha looked up to see Atsushi's soulmates enter. Her eyes met both of theirs, hers slowly turning into a glare as she stood up. Her eyes flashing between relief and pure unadulterated anger. She didn't even give them a chance to speak as she motioned them to follow her. Both alphas kept themselves from flinching at the look of anger and went to follow the doctor. She led them to an office that she normally used when she was tasked with helping out patients. She closed the door after them telling them to sit their asses down. She walked over to her desk placing the patient chart she had onto her desk. She casually opens the chart sitting down in her office chair, looking up at the obviously frantic mates that were waiting for her to speak. She stayed silent letting them stew as she was pissed at the two and they deserved more than what she was doing. After a couple minutes she knew that she couldn't keep silent as the only hope for Atsushi's condition was his two mates. She sighed in relief as now there was hope for the little omega.

"Do you two have any clue what is going on? Why Atsushi is in the condition he is in now?" Her tone was cold and hard as she was still pissed. She watched as both alphas shook their head denial at knowing the situation.

"No. The last time we saw him he was fine though a little tired." Chuuya answered the doctor who sighed again and leaned her head back in clear disbelief. She had never wanted to hit two alphas this much before as she couldn't believe how idiotic these two were being. They had clearly seen the signs that something was wrong but brushed it off. The alpha knew that the two in front of her were smart but she never knew they could also be this dumb.

"Do you guys know what happens to omegas when they are ignored and rejected by their soulmate?" When they both shook their heads Yosano felt like screaming. She also planned to visit the Port Mafia and smack the boss into next week regardless if Mori was Fukuzawa's mate. She rubbed her temples feeling a headache coming on. Yosano now understood how the two were somewhat oblivious but that did not excuse what they have done.

"I want you to show me your soulmarks. I need to check something." She watched as the both of them hesitated like she didn't already know they both found their soulmates. She didn't really need to check anything as she knew that their soulmarks would be fading. They slowly unwrapped their wrists letting the worn out bandages fall to the ground. The alphas in the room stared at the wrists presented. Two of them had their eyes widened slightly while the third didn't even look faintly surprised. The two soulmarks were now a light grey and fading on one side as if that soulmate was slowly fading away. The younger alphas looked up at the doctor with one question in their eyes.

"As you know omega minds are extremely vulnerable. They have to be handled with love and care. Even more so after they just found their soulmate as their emotions go crazy before leveling out. When an omega finds their mate the goal for the first week is to prove themselves to their soulmate. But it does slightly differ if their mate is an alpha as an alpha/omega bond is one of the strongest. No one is really sure why. Because of this the omega's mind is constantly wanting them to prove to their alpha to make sure their mate won't leave them. If the alpha starts to ignore the omega it is essentially rejecting the omega as their mate. In doing so it causes what is called an omega drop." Yosano paused in her explanation as she took in the faces of the two males before her. Their faces were slowly becoming white as she continued.

"An omegan drop is a state in which an omega stops caring about their own needs and only thinks about their mates. During a drop if they continue to receive no attention or love from their mate they sink deeper into their own mind. If an omega drops there is a chance that it could kill them as they stop eating, sleeping, and stop doing things for themselves. The only thing they do is whatever they think will get their mate's attention. The more the omega is ignored the more severe the drop is. Once the drop gets severe enough their body starts to shut down as it can't handle the lack of food and sleep. Which unfortunately causes the omega to collapse and enter a coma to try to heal the damage that has been done but sometimes it is too late. The only thing that really gets an omega out of a drop is their mate. Their mate has to be by their side and give them all the love and attention they need. But if the omega's mate refuses the omega will die." Dazai and Chuuya looked at the doctor in shock as they had never heard of this happening, not even in the Port Mafia ranks. When they were younger they got little to no education on secondary genders.

Chuuya's mind was racing as he was trying to figure out how this connected to Atsushi and then it clicked his eyes widening in horror. Dazai on the other hand had put two and two together as soon as Yosano started explaining.

"Atsushi had entered an omegan drop months ago based on the tests I did. I am honestly shocked he got this far while being in one. Most omegas would have died at this point. I can only say I think it is due to his tiger and Ranpo's efforts that this was pushed off until now." Yosano didn't even attempt to sugar coat her words as they both didn't deserve kind words.

The mafioso and the ex-mafioso could feel absolute horror seep into their bones, their face turning as white as a sheet of paper. If what Yosano was saying was true then they were the reason Atsushi was currently laying in a hospital bed. Both looked down to the ground as their hair covered their troubled eyes as they tried to keep their emotions in check. It was extremely hard to do when their thoughts kept running wild. Their fists became clenched as their thoughts escaped their control. Their blood had run cold as sweat started to form on their hands and foreheads. The amount of guilt, horror, and terror that ran through them at what came next out of the doctor's mouth was enough that this will haunt them for a long time to come.

"Today Atsushi's body finally caught up to everything causing him to collapse. He has entered the most dangerous stage of the omegan drop. He is currently in a coma. One that he might never wake up from." Yosano tried to keep her voice steady as tears filled her eyes. She looked down at Atsushi's chart as his recorded condition glared at her.

Dazai and Chuuya froze as originally they had thought that Atsushi had just collapsed from exhaustion and malnourishment. This was all their fault. They never meant to hurt Atsushi like this. They just wanted to protect him but instead they sent him into a coma.

"Is there a way there a way to get him to wake up?" Chuuya was the first one to speak up but his voice was low as it trembled.

"There is possibly one way. But you two need to get your head out of your asses and actually accept that the three of you are mates." Both alphas flinched at the icy cold tone. They glanced at each other silently agreeing that they needed to fix this. They would do anything to make sure their innocent mate would live. Yosano could see the resolve in the two younger male's and nodded her head in approval.

"Follow me." Yosano stood up and went to leave the room. All three alphas walked down the hallway to get to Atsushi's room. WHile on the way Yosano was silently hoping Ranpo wouldn't prevent the two alpha's from being by the silver haired male's side. The two alphas behind her have a lot of making up to do not just to their omega but to everyone in the agency for having to watch Atsushi waste away. Arriving at Atsushi's room Yosano turned to the idiotic alphas.

"This is his room. I am going to warn you now even though you don't deserve it. Ranpo is currently in there with Atsushi and he is absolutely pissed. Tread lightly." She then left them to stare at the door.

Chuuya stared at the door afraid to see what was behind it. Without realizing it he grabbed Dazai's bandaged hand tightly. Dazai gripped his hand just as tightly as they both stepped forward. A bandaged hand reached out and gripped the handle turning it slowly. Upon entering the room both froze at the sight in front of them. There Atsushi laid as pale as a sheet of paper, a mask over his mouth to help him breath, and wires connecting him to multiple machines. He looked absolutely tiny in the hospital bed like he could disappear at any moment. As they took in the sight with despair pouring from them. They saw movement at the Atsushi's side and focused their gaze on one pissed off detective. Emerald green eyes glared death at the alphas both flinching as they have never seen so much anger on Ranpo's face.

"So now you decide to show up." 

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