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chapter 4; raven

I didn't think I would have to profile profiler's, and yet here I was.

As far as first weeks go, mine went with very few problems. Most of the team warmed up to me nicely, and I got to learn their personalities a bit more.

Garcia is the most colourful agent I know, which makes sense since her life goal wasn't to join the BAU. She has the most heart out of any of us. I once walked into her office needing a location, and I found her tearing up at those videos of army people coming home to their pets. She tried to hide it, but soon invited me to watch with her.

Morgan is definitely the funniest. He knows how to make a quick joke when appropriate and has a lot of knowledge about the streets. His relationship with Garcia still confuses me, but I've been told it's strictly platonic. Not that I have a problem with office romances, but it did surprise me that they talked like that and nothing has or ever will happen.

Prentiss is analytical, and looks carefully at problems. She is great at compartmentalizing and setting aside her issues. She has a fierce loyalty to the team and I have no doubt that if she was ever kidnapped, she would not turn.

Jareau, or JJ as she insisted I called her, is very sociable. She can pick up on subtle clues and body language that many of us miss. She is very good with cross communication, even though that is no longer her job.

Dr. Reid, or just plainly Reid as his coworkers call him, still has a coldness for me. I've seen him around the others and he seems to open up a great deal, but with me he shuts down and gives me a cold shoulder. It's beginning to irritate me, and not helping me like him in any way.

"Hey Garcia, can I ask you a question?" I asked, setting my mug onto her desk. She paused the animal video we were watching.

"Yeah hot stuff, shoot." I blushed at the nickname, but continued on.

"Is there a reason why Dr. Reid hates me? He's been cold with me ever since I got here." I asked, and she looked shocked.

"He so has not, that kid doesn't have a rude bone in his body, name one instance." She asked, looking at me expectantly. I began to rattle off the times.

"First day in the conference room he would barely make eye contact and challenge my intellect. Same day but later when I was talking to the kid, I saw him roll his eyes at something I said. 3 days ago when I was talking with Prentiss about Jack the Ripper-"

"Is it because of your last name? I've been meaning to find a time to ask about it and there hasn't been a good one yet" She whispers "are. you. related." I laughed.

"No, I'm not. But we were talking about the case and Dr. Reid comes out of no where and totally blows over me, and takes over talking about it. 2 days ago he finished the crossword on my desk, need I go on?" I blew out some air. 

"It seems that any attempt I make to bridge the gap, he just shuts me down." I complained, and Garcia looked at me with sad eyes.

"Oh honey, I think he's intimidated by you. See, you come in here with your hot bod, millions of degrees, impressive life achievements, and crazy smart brain, and I think he feels threatened." I tried to follow, but Garcia could see that I didn't understand.

"Before you came along, Spencer was the resident genius. He knows how far away it is from San Diego to Seattle in miles, kilometers, hours, and everything in between. He could tell us the ingredients to household items just by smelling the product. Now he see's you come in here, someone who can do the same thing he can, and he doesn't like it. He just doesn't like change." She said.

My phone buzzed with an email alert. Email came in from an unknown email account I didn't recognize. The email looked scattered, containing the following:

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