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chapter 16; not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all

"You know who's watching?" Andrew said lowly, his face mask muffling up the sound lightly. Adeline lifted her head and looked at the camera.

Of course she knew it was her team. He said he would torture them and this was his plan. He walked over to the fire and Adeline knew this would be her only chance.

dot dash

She tapped against the side of her chair, hoping that they could see it. She made sure to be over dramatic in case the quality was bad.

dash dot

dash dot dot

She quickly and purposefully spelled out the name A-N-D-R-E-W, hoping and praying that someone new Morse Code. Rossi must, she reasoned, he was in the war. Andrew still played with the fire. She did his name again before moving on.

dot dash

dash dash dash

She could see him starting to come over so she quickly spelt out the final word.

dot dash dot

dot dot dot dash

She looked up towards Andrew, and let out a breath when he showed no indication that he saw her. She quickly drew in another breath when she saw what was in his hands. The end of the branding stick glowed a bright red. Andrew put it on the workbench before bending over in front of her, cutting her pants open. 

"I'm going to ask you one more time before I do this. Tell me what you know about the Raven." She shook her head at him, keeping eye contact with the camera. The thought that her team was on the other side kept her grounded and not lost in her mind.

On the other side the team held their breaths. They couldn't hear him, but saw Adeline shake her head. The team felt like she was staring straight at them. Her chin was held up high, but the team could see the reflection of tears on her cheek. It broke their hearts to be watching this.

Adeline shook slightly when Andrew left. She was terrified and knew the pain that she was about to go through would be difficult. Her chest heaved as her breathing picked up, trying to kick start the adrenaline. She tried to imagine the team in front of her. Andrew picked up the branding iron and walked over to her.

Without a countdown or anything, which you'd think would be common courtesy thought Adeline, he pressed the branding iron firmly against her thigh. Adeline had hoped not to scream. She had hoped to not show how much pain she was in, had hoped to just grit her teeth and not give him the satisfaction.

The scream that she let out sent chills down Spencer's spine.

The pain was unbearable. She squirmed in her seat, trying to get away from it. After 6 seconds Andrew picked up the branding iron. He liked the tears that were flowing down her cheek. Just a few hours ago she was being a smart-ass, and now she was breaking. An indescribable feeling blossomed in his chest, giving him the satisfaction he craved.

"This is just the beginning, Adeline. You feel like speaking now?" His tone was the same as if you were speaking to a crying child. Adeline whimpered. She opened her eyes, unaware when she had shut them. She looked towards the camera, tears in her eyes.

The BAU felt helpless. They couldn't track a location or an IP address, and the camera angle didn't allow them to deduce where she was. All they could do was watch the scene unfold in front of them. Suddenly, Adeline spoke.

"If you want..." she breathlessly said. "to save you're-" she stopped herself. Andrew pressed his hand onto her new wound, causing her to scream out.

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