thirty three

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chapter 33; "nice boys don't kiss like that." "oh yes they fucking do."

A knock came at the door, barely noticeable over the music I had playing in the background.

"Coming! I shouted, tasting the sauce on the back of the spoon. Sometimes I amaze myself with how many skills I have, and cooking is definitely a strong suit.

I placed the spoon down before quickly moving towards the door. When I opened it Reid stood there with a small smile. A small bouquet of flowers were held in his right hand, his left hand deep in his pocket. He wore a simple button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a purple tie. I quickly took the towel off my shoulder, feeling a little self conscious at my outfit now.

He ran his eyes down my figure before quickly meeting my eyes, giving me a small smile.

"Please, come in." I opened the door wider, trying to hide the towel behind my back. He tentatively stepped into my apartment.

"I'm just finishing up dinner. It won't be but a few more minutes." I spoke as I returned to the kitchen. The sauce was bubbling away softly, accompanying the music in the background.

"I didn't know you were cooking, I would've accepted pizza." I turned to see him smile, placing the flowers on the counter. "These are for you."

"Thank you for the flowers. And of course I did, I still had to prove I'm better then you in a certain area." I gave him a big smile before finishing up the dish.

"I am not a good cook, I appreciate you doing this."

"You can help set the table. There's dishes in the cabinet to your right." Dishes softly clanked together as I moved the dish to the small table.  We were silent as we set the dishes down, listening to the music and enjoying the company.

"This looks...amazing" Reid complimented when we sat down for dinner.

"Thank you." We sat for a moment in silence while I served us both a helping. This is the moment I dreaded, what to say?

"Tell me something I don't know." I asked as I took a bite.


The two doctors talked about a variety of topics ranging from the newly discovered organisms living underneath ice in Antarctica, the influence of Sophists on rhetoric in Greece and the gendering of young children in different societies. The food soon became cold as they were engrossed in their conversation and each other.

"It's actually fascinating to notice. And when you take into account America's fascination with the separation of genders, it becomes more apparent how teachers own biases influence their classroom, their curriculum and ultimately the child's development." Adeline rambled as she cleared the dishes.

Spencer was at the sink, he insisted on washing the dishes since she had cooked. He wasn't really putting a lot of effort into washing dishes, more so focusing on Adeline. He liked it when she rambled and talked about anything and everything, but he especially liked it when she talked intellectually.

"I find it interesting with playground actions." Spencer added briefly just enough to keep the conversation going. Adeline, excited, leaned against the sink next to Spencer to talk more.

"Yes! I'm sure you read the same article as I did, the one where they talked about the close and far yard?" When she saw Spencer shake his head, she continued "Well the far yard typically was reserved for the boys. It had the most space and they got to learn how teams work and also naturally selected leaders. The girls on the other hand played in the area closer to the building playing jumping rope and they valued keeping secrets."

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