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chapter 12; our old friend, death

"Hey look at this." Prentiss came walking over to my desk next to Reid's, the both of us standing up at her entrance. 

"Every death happened on the 20th of a month." Prentiss said, flipping through the files.

"That must have significance to the unsub." Reid said, filling in the rest of Prentiss' sentence. Our huddle must've piqued the other's interest, and soon Morgan called over to us to ask what's going on.

"Every kill that the Raven has done has been on the 20th of the month. The one in Washington, the sorority house and now Chapman. That day must have been significant for the unsub." Reid repeated over to Morgan.

"Well it has nothing to do with me, the 20th means nothing to me." I said, going back to spin in my chair.

"That's not true, the 20th is your birthday. November 20th." Garcia said, which shouldn't have taken me by surprise because well, it's Garcia.

"Oh, yeah I guess so. I've never really celebrated it though." I told them, which shocked Garcia and only Garcia, but that also makes sense. 

"Maybe it's his way of making up for that. Someone knew you didn't celebrate and is using these to lead up to your birthday?" Morgan asked, putting down the ball he was playing with.

"That's a stretch, but right now it's all we've got." Prentiss said, placing the folders down on the divider between Reid's desk and I. I needed to take another look into those. I looked at Reid who held my gaze, challenging me to grab it first.

A beat later and I was reaching for them. Unlucky for me he has freakishly long arms, and I stood no match.

"I don't need folders to remember case files." I mumbled, pouting in my chair. Reid glared at me, but held a small smile in victory. Cocky little sh-

"Everyone, conference room please." Hotch's booming voice came at us from the landing.

"Now I know we all want to catch the Raven," Hotch said "but we still have a day job. Garcia." he nodded at her and sat down, letting her take charge.

"Alright, we are taking a break from bird watching to take a trip to sunny California where three men have been killed in the past two weeks. Single gunshot wound to the back of the head, execution style. Nothing taken from them or their houses." For Garcia's job, she wore awfully bright clothes. It was pleasant to see versus our normal outfits.

"Any signs of forced entry?" Rossi asks, looking up from his folder to the screen. Garcia shook her head. It was a proper locked doors puzzle. Doors locked, windows shut, but someone got in and out. 

"Any connection?" I asked, not looking up from the folder, my brain gathering all the facts.

"So far, no." 

"This looks pretty clean. It looks all the same, do you think we are looking into a contract killer? They have the skills to do this, and it looks like a typical M.O of one." Morgan rested his head on his chin, squinting to get a better look at the screen. He had perfect vision, so he must be tired. Which is understandable, to say the Raven has drained all of our energy would be an understatement.

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