thirty four

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chapter 34; it is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important

1 year later

Much has changed since our first date, but it is comforting to know that some things never change.

"Victor was upset that his monster was intelligent and could talk circles around him, he wanted to be all superior and stuff." I nonchalantly commented, flicking through the case file in my lap. My feet were propped up on my desk towards Spencer, where he was leaning on the divide glaring at me.

"Okay, let me be the devil's advocate for a second-"

"Typical male behavior, Spencer you're always the devil on my shoulder."

"Wouldn't you want to be smarter then a monster you created? You're the one who gave it life, and then in very little time it was smarter then you. I would be upset, just like what you say Victor felt."

"So, a child?"

"Wha- no, no." Spencer stammered, taken by surprise. I took this as my opening, putting my feet down and standing up to meet his eyes.

"If Elizabeth had lived, she would be ashamed! If that was how he treated the monster, which was basically his child, she wouldn't want to have children with him!" I crossed my arms, trying to hold back a smile as Spencer grew flustered.

"Everyone, we got a case." Emily said from the landing, not giving us any time to respond as she walked away. I faced Spencer again, raising my eyebrows, daring him to continue.

"You're hot when you admit I'm right." I said, sending a wink his way. His cheeks grow red and his eyebrows knitted, leaning away from the divide and quickly gathering his things. I laughed, grabbing my bag as well.

When I turned around I saw him waiting there for me. We walked towards the round table together silently, although I was silently stewing in my victory.

"This isn't over." He said lowly as we got to the landing.

"Whatever you say, sir." I bumped his shoulder with mine, sending him a bright smile as I entered the conference room and took my seat.

I was happy that our teasing relationship hadn't faltered since we had begun an actual relationship. I mean, now to win arguments I just have to distract him with kisses. If I had known it was that easy to win, I would've done that long ago.

Spencer and I had since moved in together, which has had it's ups and downs. He talks during movies, and always leaves piles of books all over. Not that I mind, but when they are taking up the kitchen it makes me want to throw them out the window. It does feel better to have someone around, though. It's easier to talk about everything and anything and not be judged about it.

Some changes have happened to the team. Hotch left to go spend some time with his son. He's a good dad like that, and Jack is a lucky kid. Because of this, Emily became our unit chief. There are some perks with your best friend being unit chief, like being able to visit the crime scene first when we land or being able to spend the weekend at hers. Many things have been thrown at us, but it hasn't affected our dynamic. I still feel like nothing will ruin this team, just as I did on my first day. I stole a glance at Spencer, who was biting his lip in concentration.

A giddy feeling rose in my chest as it hit me again that he's all mine. That feeling I heard earlier came back, but this time I know.

This is where I belong, and I am surrounded by the right people.

I, Dr. Adeline Ripper, love my team.

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