Chapter 6 - Guardian Angel

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Later that evening, my parents and sister left my room. I was just sitting there with nothing to do. I decided I would lay down beside my body. I tried to, moving around with all the tubes. I finally laid down and fell asleep.


At about midnight, I was having a weird dream, and there I was, lying in bed. My heart monitor started going slower and slower until it finally went flat. I saw a bright white light and realized that it wasn't a dream. I was dying. But I couldn't die. I had to live for my daughter, my parents, my sister, Calum, and the boys. Doctors rushed into my room, and they used the defibrillator to get my heart going again. They put it away once they got my heart going, but the line started flattening out again, so they pulled the defibrillator out once more. They shocked me once, twice, three times, but my heart still wouldn't work.

*Third Person POV*

Katie's heart wouldn't work at all. They had done everything they could, but it still wouldn't work. They just gave up. Katie was dead. And she wasn't coming back, or was she? Her heart started beating again, slowly, but then quicker as it went on.

*Katilyn's POV*

I was alive again, but I was still in the coma. I hadn't woken up yet. I was just laying beside my body. I decided not to sleep for a few minutes. I wanted to cuddle with Calum for a bit. I got onto his bed and got beside him, working around the cords and tubes. I wrapped my arm around him. I missed cuddling with him regularly. This was as close as I would get, though. I just wanted both of us to wake up from the coma and stop worrying our families. All of the boys' families were in London by then. They had been since they heard about the crash. They wanted to make sure their boys were okay. I ended up falling asleep next to Calum, still cuddling him.


The next morning, I was woken up because a doctor walked into the room. I realized that Joy, David, and Mali were in here. The doctor said, "Well, Calum seems to be doing better than he was, but he still isn't breathing like he should be. He breathes irregularly. He sometimes misses a breath or takes too many at one time. He also has slightly high blood pressure. If it gets too high, that won't be good. His bruises are getting better too. They're healing up nicely, but that isn't what is holding him back. It's his breathing and his heart that I have said about."

"Well, thank you doctor. Thank you for everything you're doing," Joy smiled, then added, "Oh! How are Katilyn and the baby doing?"

"Let me see... Katilyn is doing better also, but her heart stopped last night around midnight, but started again. It was a true miracle, but her heart hasn't been completely normal ever since." The doctor informed them and me about me.

"Thank you, and what about the baby? Was there a miscarriage? I don't see her baby bump..." Joy was really worried about the baby.

"Don't worry, ma'am. The baby was delivered by an emergency c-section right after they arrived here."

"But she was only 22 weeks.. The baby can't survive at only 22 weeks..."

"She was given about an 8 percent chance of living. She is still alive and was big for only being twenty-two weeks. She is truly a miracle baby. She is in the NICU right now. Would you like to see her?"

"Yes, please.." Joy said, walking out with the doctor. I followed them, and I went to the NICU. There, we got to see my baby girl again. She was still small, and there were still many machines connected to her. I then realized that Joy, David, and Mali were crying. They also hated seeing her like this.

"You need to stay with us, baby girl.. We need you.." Joy said to her, crying.

"My first niece... I don't know what I'll do." Mali sniffled, "I was so excited about her..."

"Mali, don't say 'was'..." David told her, "She's still here, and if we're lucky, she'll stay."

"Yeah. I hope we are lucky," Mali sniffled even more.

I hope too, Mali. I hope too.


I woke up the next morning next to Calum who was still in the coma. I was too, and I could still see everything. A nurse came in and talked to Calum. She said, "You're doing great. Keep it up. Keep fighting. Your breaths are normal now, and they have to stay that way if you want to wake up soon. Like I said, keep fighting. You have a family to stay for. You have a family to fight for." She then walked towards my bed.

"Sweetie, keep fighting. I know you're trying. You're trying so hard, and I hope it pays off. Your heart still isn't beating right, but if you keep fighting, and you use every bit of fight you have left in you, you'll make it. Please don't leave your boyfriend and your daughter.. They love you, so pull out all of the fight that you have left in you and use it. Use it for your family."

She then walked out of our room, and I just thought. There needs to be more people like that. More inspirational people like that. I then followed her, and she went into the NICU, where my daughter was, and said to her, "You can do this, sweetie. Stay for your parents and your grandparents, and your aunts. Your mum and dad will fight for you, so you need to fight for them. You'll be alright, I'm watching over you. I'm your guardian angel. Fight for your family."

She then looked at me, and said, "You're Katilyn?"

"Yeah. How do you see me? I'm invisible to everyone." I told her.

"I can see you because I'm your guardian angel as well as your boyfriend's and your daughter's. I'm watching over you. Remember, keep fighting. That's all I can tell you. Goodbye"

"Goodbye..." my voice faded as she disappeared.

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