Chapter 7 - Calum!!

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The next morning, I saw my mum, dad, and Hannah in my room. They were talking with Joy, David, and Mali. Joy told them about me staying with them after my family had a car crash a year or so back. My parents learned a lot more about me from Joy. I was glad, too. Soon after, the doctor came in.

"Hello. You must be Mrs. Jones, Katilyn's mum." He said to Mum.

"I'm actually Mrs. Smith, but I am Katilyn's mum."

"Oh, okay. Well, she isn't doing much better. Her heart is getting a tiny bit better. She's breathing like she has been, not normally.." He frowned.

"Thank you, Dr. Evans..." Dad said, trying to be strong.

"Now what about Calum?" David asked.

"He's is doing way better. His breathing is completely normal, and his blood pressure is still a little bit too high but not so much that it concerns us a lot. We are thinking he'll come out of his coma very soon, but we aren't sure."

I was so excited to hear that. Calum was doing really good. I was doing alright, but the doctor didn't say I was going to wake up any time soon.

"Thank God..." Joy said, sighing.


Ashton, Michael, and Luke were in the room now, just watching us. They knew Calum was supposed to wake up any time now.

*Ashton's POV*

Luke, Michael, and I were sitting in Calum and Katie's hospital room. Calum was supposed to come out of his coma soon. Nothing was said about Katie coming out of her coma, though.  We were just sitting there, watching both of them, thinking. It was about two in the afternoon, and we hadn't gone to eat lunch. I didn't even feel like eating. Neither Calum nor Katie were awake. Their little girl was such a miracle, such a fighter, but we still didn't know if she was going to make it. I didn't feel like eating at all lately. We could still lose Calum or Katie, according to the doctors.

We were just staring at either Calum or Katie when I saw Calum move a little. I walked over to him, and his eyes opened slowly. He blinked three times fast. Then, the first words he said after he woke up were, "Where is Kate?"

"Beside you.. Over there," I pointed to Katie.

"Oh my god.." He said then his face fell even more than it was already fallen, "Where's her baby bump? Tell me now, Ash... What happened to the baby? Tell me right fucking now."

"They had an emergency c-section on her right after they brought us here after the crash. They don't know if she'll make it, Cal.. She's so tiny. Luke, I think, has a picture of her." I motioned him over, "Other than being tiny, she's a miracle and a fighter. She's beautiful, too.. The doctors are surprised she's even lived this long, about a week. If she does live, it'll be a true miracle."

Luke had the picture of her, and showed it to Calum. Tears brimmed Calum's eyes. I didn't know what to say.

"Cal..." I said.

"She's beautiful.. But so tiny.." He continued crying. "Is Kate okay?" He asked us then.

"Well, her heart isn't pumping right.. It's weird. She isn't breathing normally, either. Also, the doctors said that her body is refusing the antibiotics.. They're going to try different ones."

"I can't lose her.. Those antibiotics better work," he looked at me.

"We hope too, Cal."

Then, Joy, David, and Mali walked in. Joy and Mali ran to Calum.

"Cal, you're awake! I missed you!" Mali beat Joy to hug him.

"Mali.. I love you. I missed you too," he said to her, then Joy hugged him.

"Calum.. I was so scared." She said.

"Mum, I wouldn't and couldn't leave you guys. I love you all too much."

"You've seen your little girl, right?"

"Yeah.. She's beautiful."

"Hey Calum.." David hugged him, "I was so scared along with your mum and Mali there for the week when you were in the coma.. We weren't sure what was going to happen next. You kept getting better, but Katilyn was staying the same. I feel really bad for her parents."


They told him about Daniel and Kristen and also Hannah. He was surprised, yet excited for Katie. It was a good day.. Calum woke up, and he found out about his little girl and Katie's parents. Soon, we would see how Katie took the new antibiotics. I was hoping there would be good news. The doctors told us that Calum would be able to be out of the hospital in a few days. That was good too. It was a great day.

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