Chapter 2 - Two Announcements

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We arrived home, and I grabbed ahold of Calum's hand. We walked up the sidewalk leading to the house. It all felt like we were in slow motion. I didn't want any of this to be happening, but it was, and I had to face the truth. I was pregnant, and there was nothing I could do about it. We finally got to the door after what seemed like a lifetime. We walked into the house and sat down on the couch after getting Joy and David to sit down with us. Mali came down too, so it was time to announce.

"Mum, Dad, Mali.. Kate and I went to the doctor's office today, and we found out something that you might find shocking.. And I hope you don't get mad at us, but Kate is.. she's pregnant," Calum announced.

"Calum... I-" David sighed, "I'm very disappointed in you. You are sixteen. You're not old enough to be a father. This is a huge responsibility. A baby is a giant responsibility. You'll have to be there for Katie when the baby is born, not with your band. You can't be slacking. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Dad," Calum nodded

"But I think you'll make a great father, even though you're still so young."

"Thank you, Dad," Calum smiled.

"Kate," David looked at me, "Don't let Calum neglect his responsibilities, okay? He needs to help you through this because this is his mistake, too."

"Most definitely," I chuckled.

I then realized that Joy was just sitting there, saying nothing. Calum looked at her, thinking the same thing as I was.

"What, Mum?" Calum asked.

"I'm just so shocked..."

"Well, it was kinda destined to happen.. We do have bedrooms right beside each other's," Calum shrugged.

"Calum!" Joy scolded.

"It's true, mum..."

"Well, like your father said, I'm disappointed, but I think you two will make great parents, although I know you're way too young. You'll have to have a lot of help."

"Thank you guys. We'll need all the help we can get. We still need to tell the band, and we're pretty sure they'll want to help."

"Yes, they will want to help, but it's our grandchild, so we get to see it some, okay?" Joy looked at Calum.

"Okay, Mum," Calum nodded.

Mali was sitting there with a confused look on her face, but she said nothing. I think she was happy that she was getting a baby niece or nephew, but she was also not sure about the situation.

We finished talking to them, then went upstairs. We sat in Calum's room, talking about the baby.

"Should we tell the boys?" I asked.

"Well of course we should!" He exclaimed.

"No, what I'm asking is if we should invite them over now and tell them?"

"Um, sure," Calum shrugged.

He got out his phone and texted them. He texted the group chat saying, "Kate and I have an announcement to make! Come to my house!"

Luke texted back, "I have an announcement too! It'll be more effective in person. So we're meeting at Calum's?"

"Yeah" Mikey confirmed.

"Be there in 10" Ashton texted.

They were here within ten minutes. We were all in Calum's room, and Calum announced what we had to say first.

"As I said in the group chat, Kate and I have an announcement-" Calum started, but he got cut off by Michael.

"You're pregnant," he inferred.

"How'd you know, Mikey?' I asked.

"It was destined to happen. You're dating, and you live in the same house," Michael shrugged.

"So you guys are pregnant?" Luke asked, and I nodded.

"Congrats, mate!" Luke smiled.

"We're excited, but we're still only sixteen, almost seventeen, so we'll need some help," Calum told them, implying that we wanted help from them.

"We'll help you guys, right?" Ashton said, looking at Michael and Luke.

"Yeah," Luke and Michael said, and they all nodded.

"Now, Luke, what's your announcement?" I asked, turning everyone's attention to Luke.

"Well, I got a call from our manager Adam this morning, and he said that One Direction wants us to go on tour with them! We'll leave in February," He explained, and I was excited.

"Really?" The other boys exclaimed. I could tell all of them were excited.

"Yeah!" Luke confirmed.

"This is awesome!" Calum smiled at me.

I was so glad nobody got really mad at Calum and me. I was happy for them; they're going on tour! I wondered if I'd be able to go with them. I need to go with them, I thought, because I don't want anything to happen to the boys, especially Calum. I knew that if I was able to go, the tour would be fun.


Sorry it's kind of a boring chapter... There's gonna be some drama soon.

-Lizzie xx

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