Ch4- Mood Shifts

533 17 14

This is unedited please don't kill me

Hanji supremacy btw

Third person POV

The room went silent as all eyes lingered on the smaller male sitting in the chair at the other end of the table.  Confusion clearly visible on all of their features as they just kept their eyes on him.

"So, is this a staring contest or am I just that good looking?" They all snapped out of their daze as the sound of the smaller gingers voice reached them.

"No offence Chibi-chan but...I don't know if you'll be able to handle a meeting like this, after all you just run a Cafe" Hinata looked the bed head male straight in the eyes with determination and a glint of annoyance lingering in his gaze.

"Please do  not doubt my ability, when assigned to do something I never disappoint, Now let's get this meeting started please" The others were a bit taken aback by the gingers serious tone, they'd never seen him this way but this only intrigued a certain blond a lot more.

Akaashi made his way to the front of the meeting room and clicked a few buttons before the screen was illuminated and in bold letters in the centre of the screen stood.

'Hacking issue'

Hinata stifled a laugh by covering his mouth with one of his hands, this caught the attention of the others in the room once again. This time it was more odd than the last time how did the gingers mood change so abruptly it confused the other men in the room which caused another wave of silence to wash over them, before Hinata spoke up once again

"I'm sorry I just thought that running such big successful companies, some hacker would be tracked down by now?"

The man at the board now decided to speak up this time "Well Hinata that is the problem that we were going to discuss before you interrupted me" Shooting one stern glare at the ginger the raven haired man turned to the now illuminated board and at the press of a button the slide changed.

"According to all the resources we have gathered, The hacker seems to be using some kind of device that was located in an abandoned house as bait to lure us into thinking this is where they were operating from"

Bokuto stood up and took his place standing next to his raven haired secretary shooting him a quick bright smile which caused a blush to creep onto the other man's face before continuing on the information Akaashi had shared with the other men, they seemed oblivious to their small short interaction but the ginger caught on to it, though he wished he hadn't because if he knew that Hinata could exploit the weaknesses of any of the men in this room he would surely have Hinata back on the front lines of his playing board, ready to use the ginger as his pawn in any way he pleased.

He shivered at the thought as memories of the things he had to do flashed in his mind like a wave crashing down on him, betrayal , screaming and hurt all echoed on replay in his mind before he saw them, the look in those eyes. Gosh that look made him want to curl up and never show himself to the living world again it made him want to just disappear and run as far as he could possibly go...but he knew that would never be an option for in the end he would always find him and no matter how hard he tried he would always be tied to a collar and be nothing but a mere dog to him.

Hinata shook his head successfully snapping himself out of his horrible thoughts and brought all his attention back to the illuminated screen before him, going back to taking notes and  only hoping nobody had seen his sudden mood shift while he was stuck in his daze. But, of course the world never seemed to like Hinata much because one person did catch on to the gingers odd behaviour this person of course had to be none other than Kageyama Tobio.

While most people thought Kageyama wasn't one to pay much attention to things, the raven haired man did catch himself analysing places, people and many other aspects of life quite often. Right now for the last few minutes all of his attention was on the ginger sitting across the table from him. He had watched him out of the sole reason of not having to listen to the meeting because these things were not his forte but when he saw the small ginger's features take on a frown and visibly shiver, that had peeked his interest. 

He watched as Hinata had small hints of fear and disgust cross his features while in his daze but not long after he shook his head and just continued on with his work. Thoughts raced through his head as he tried to figure out what exactly bothered the ginger so much, for now he shrugged it off but the day he puts 2 and 2 together will bring him more pain than he could have ever imagined.

~Time skip -After the meeting-~

Natsu had gone home hours ago, Yachi came to pick her up and it was now 7pm and everyone was packing up and getting ready to leave the meeting room. Hinata was the first packed up and was already making his way out of the door.

The sound of his shoes hitting the tiled floor was the only sound echoing off the walls of the now empty office hallway. His comfortable silence was disrupted by his phone ringing, he fished the device out of his pocket and checked the caller ID picking up with a scowl now present on his face but it only stayed for a moment before he started talking.

"Hello sir"  

The other men watched the ginger leave the room as if he was in a hurry, it was understandable he probably just wanted to get home. But they all decided to go for a couple rounds of drinks that Kuuro invited them to. But it took a lot of convincing because the last time Bokuto ended up begging Kageyama for a lap dance and other things they'd rather not mention Bokuto thought he was Akaashi just because he somehow mistaked their raven hair in his drunken daze. Akaashi went to the bathroom for 1 minute  that night and promised to not leave him unattended this time which was much to Kageyama's relief.

Their footsteps and small conversation's were brought to a halt at the sight of the ginger on his phone, almost screaming at the person on the other line. Bokuto and Kuuro being extremely nosy as they usually are of course decided to listen in on Hinata's conversation, but much to everyones surprise there were no protests. They all wanted to know who exactly Hinata Shoyo was.


There was a moment of silence before the ginger stiffened and spoke up defeat obvious in his tone.

"Yes..yes I'll be there in 5 minutes"

He sighed and looked up to the ceiling in an attempt to stop the tears that were pooling in his eyes.

To be continued...

(1215 words)

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