Ch 6 -affectionate gazes

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3rd person pov

Everyone got seated around one of the larger tables in the corner of the café. Shoyo decided to speak first, "Does anyone want coffee?" a few of the men nodded whilst others declined the offer. He then stood up and made his way to the door, it was a quiet day so he simply hung up the sign that read that he café was on a lunch break, and headed for the batista area. With an akward smile he faced the table infront of him. He hated misunderstandings and this one would be a real mess if things got any worse, because he couldn't afford to have them be suspicious of him, if it got to that point there'd be no coming back. 'Big smile shoyo big smile' He thought but as he was about to speak someone else spoke up.

"So, we're really sorry again Shoyo eavesdropping on you was very childish and a total invasionon your privacy" Akaashi spoke with his usual monotone voice but you could tell it was sincere. Well atleast he could tell that it was and boy was Shoyo glad they didn't know how mcuh he'd invaided their privacy until now. Bokuto nodded in agreement to Akaashi's statement. Kuuro then  added on.
"Yeah chibi-chan we're super sorry! but are you sure everything's alright?? that call seemed intense.."

A look of panic crossed the gingers features but he quickly changed his expression back and flashed a bright smile, he could not falter. ever. He had done too much to slip up now.
"Haha it was just some personal matter it's solved now but thanks for the concern!" He dismissed their worries and began making the drinks.

He seemed to have convinced everyone which surprised him it really showed that they trusted the ginger he felt the guilt pang in his chest. All he could do was be glad they all belived his horrible lie, or so he had thought. Kageyama still kept his eyes on the ginger whilst everyone began to chatter away at the table. Something was off with shoyo, he couldn't tell what it was but there was something that seemed to always put a sour look on the gingers lovely features. The ravenette couldn't pinpoint if it was worry or fear but it was something he found odd. He dismissed the thought for now and rather began to pay attention to how happily Shoyo was preparing the drinks. It was cute how focused he was and the little happy bounce in his walk just seemed to ease all of his previous  worries.

Hinata Shoyo didn't notice the affectione stares that were on him until he caught someone staring from the corner of his eye. It was Tadashi, seeing the slight smirk on the other man's face as he gently waved at him was all it took to grace his cheeks with a raging blush, he quickly turned away in embarassment after waving back to the pretty green haired man. When the ginger was finally finished he grabbed a tray filled it with the assortment of beverages he had made and walked his way back to the table to set everything down, to then take his seat near the Karasuno heads which he totally didn't choose on purpose like at all.

The conversation between the men flowed nicely as if the previous tension and events were completely forgotten, this was nice.

Tsukishima who was seated next to the ginger wasn't a very big fan of people who talked alot but of course his lovers were an exception and he caught himself beginning to think of Shoyo as an exception aswell. Though the ginger was talkative his personality and constant chattering didn't seem to put the blond in a foul mood at all. This was perfect, it was a warm summer day and he was here with two or perhaps three of the people he cherished calmlydrinking coffeeabd chatting away. But of course as much as he would love to romanticise his horrid life. That, just couldn't be done. Though it was a life everyone at this table chose or grew accustomed to with time that didn't mean it wasn't hell. That was a hell he didn't want the ginger to experience in his life.
He layed a hand on the gingers thigh, a bold move, yes but he didn't care. Since it brought out a fun reaction from the man next to him, who was now a blushing mess. As he was about to tease the other more his phone rang.

brring brring brring

The blond man stood up and made his way closer to the door to answer whoever the fuck had just interrupted him. "What the fuck do you want nishinoya?" His displeased tone didn't phase the man on the other end who simply continued "BOSS we have a problem we need you here right now!"  he sighed heavily "Ok we'll be there in 5" Hanging up the phone Tsukishima made his way back to the table. "Sorry to break up the little  party but we have to go its a problem in the company"

"We should also be on our way then" Kuuro stood up aswell. They said their farewells and everyone went on their way. However instead of opening the café shoyo decided to call in someone else to run for today. He has alot of work to do, as much as he loves his friends he has to strike when the iron is hot. Using the disorder due to company issues as an opportunity to do his part against them. After calling Suga to take over he immediately made his way out of the building and locked his house door. Walking in the warm summer air along the streets until he made it to an apartment building, you could basically call this his, "office". Of course that bastard gifted it to him for work, so it was not a place he liked to be but complaining will do no good be knows that too well.

Shoyo walked inside the dark quiet room, in the corner a twin sized bed was placed against the wall, the sheets were messy and had a very plain look, everything here was plain. Infront of this was a desk with a PC setup. A drawer of ramen near the kitchen area and a bathroom. Nothing special just practical enough to work. He took a seat in his rolling chair, put his headphones on and shuffled his playlist before typing away at the PC. After hours and hours Shoyo had already forgotten what time it might be when he began tp work he stayed extremely focused on the task at hand and this just so happenedto be a golden opportunit. He was suddenly broken out of his focus by a loud banging on the door.


To be continued...


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