Ch1 - Aroma Sun Cafe

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I'd like to start off my saying that this is my first book and I can not guarantee that it will be good, however i hope anyone who reads this  will bear with me to see this story unfold. and please read the TW in the description before continuing with this book. Also keep in mind to respect peoples ships . Now without further or do let's begin! 

cover art credit: Anyeka on tumblr


Hinata POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through a crack in my curtain onto my face, I groaned as I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, before putting on my slippers and heading to wake up my little sister. 

We've been living alone together for 3 years after I made that deal, I was 18 and couldn't risk throwing my life away let alone leaving Nastu alone at the age of 10. 

She's 13 now and to support us both I opened up my dream cafe.

 Living directly above the cafe and only a quick bus ride away from Natu's school is perfect for us both. I got her to head to the shower and  I go over to the kitchen and prepare breakfast and some lunch for Natsu.

After the long winter summer is finally here and I need to get started  with prepping our summer drinks for the cafe because there's a big order of supplies coming in today.

"Sho! I can't find my skirt!!" 

"Have you checked in the laundry room I ironed it for you last night!"

My sister is clumsy and very forgetful but I wouldn't trade her for anything , she's all I have and all I will ever need. A small flash of orange speeds by me and next thing I know Natsu is sitting at the table for breakfast, as I  set down waffles and tea on the table for us we dig in eager to start our lovely summers day.

"Hey sho?"

"Yes Natsu?"

"Would you ever plan on getting a boyfriend?"

I almost coke on my food as I feel my cheeks get warmer, then my head shoots up and I look at my sister who's now laughing at my reaction to her question.

"Where did that come from?? I haven't even told you anything about my sexuality!"

"Sho please, anyone can see from the way you check out guys that come by the cafe that you radiate no heterosexual energy"

My blush grows darker and I sigh in defeat.

"Alright, you got me. but I don't know yet so stay out of my business you sneaky brat"

"Hey that's mean Sho!"

"Shut up and finish eating or you'll be late"

I rolled my eyes and stood up putting my dishes away in the sink then headed downstairs to the cafe with Natsu after she finished eating and was ready to head off to school. I waved her goodbye and started getting ready as my first co-worker came in for the shift.

"Goodmorning Sugawara!" I beamed

"Morning Hinata, are the supplies here yet?"

I sighed before replying

"Not yet, they  already delayed for a day and it's pissing me off that they're taking their sweet time"

Sugawara chuckled and patted my shoulder

"Maybe give them a call and get the situation sorted"

I gave him a quick nod before heading out front to call the company we ordered from.

Third person POV

Hinata stood outside on the phone and he was about to snap at these dumb excuses they were making ,he was done and screamed into the phone


He heard a chuckle from behind him to see a tall blond male holding back a laugh, Hinata would have jumped him then and there because he was completely pissed but, he had better things to do than waste his time on an idiot like that so Hinata cursed at him under his breath before turning around and walking off.

"He's just as short as his temper, how cute" Said the blond.

Sugawara let out a sigh or relief when he saw the delivery truck pull up in front of the cafe.

"Hinata the truck is here!"

"Finally!" The red head exclaimed as he threw his hand up in the air

Hinata ran out and didn't even bother saying a word to the driver as he unloaded what the needed for the cafe, luckily everything came in before the cafe opened. As they finished unpacking the truck two people entered the cafe

"Sorry we're not open ye-" Hinata was cut off by a woman speaking as she walked in

"It's just us hinata" Said a short woman with blond hair

"Oh Yachi! Akaashi! you guys came just on time"

The red head flashed a bright smile and told everyone to get to work so they could open up for the day.


Tsukishima POV

After stomping back into what seemed to be a cafe the short man with red hair slammed the door. I quietly laughed at his little temper tantrum before continuing on to the company.

"Good morning Tadashi" 

"Morning Tsuki! you seem to be in a good mood this morning"

I hummed in response and walked into my office where I was met with an angry Kageyama, that idiot really has to sort out his anger issues they're a real pain in the ass sometimes no, all the time.

"What's got you pissed this early in the morning"

He turned around swiftly before starting his little rant

"Someone hacked into our system and took information about our latest project! luckily we got our teams to deny access to the asshole who did it but there's no trace of a hacking so we have no leads whatsoever AND THEY CAN'T SET EVERYTHING BACK UP UNTIL THIS EVENING!"

I sighed and re-adjusted my glasses, this wasn't the first time this happened this month, there's been multiple hack in's and we seem to not be getting any leads on who's behind them all.

"Il'l go make some calls you keep trying to get any possible leads, get Tadashi to help you"

After hours of calls and non stop working it was 1pm, I went to check on Kageyama and Tadashi to find them making out.

"Seriously? you two really need to find better places to do this"

"You're just jealous we didn't ask you to join" Kageyama snickered at Tadashi's response

I rolled my eyes and turned around

"Get your horny asses up we're going to get some coffee in a cafe nearby"

The two got up and nodded and soon enough we all walked out of the building. After 3 minutes of walking we got to the entrance of a cute cafe, the place was decorated in bright coluors and the sign on top of the door read:

"Aroma Sun Cafe"



I hope you all enjoyed that chapter i started this at like 2am, my sleep scheduel was ruined when I binged AOT in 3 days anyway so i hope you all have a great day and feedback would be appreciated

(1220 Words)

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