Ch 5- Suspicious

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The writing style probably changed sorry about that I literally haven't written in ages, anyways enjoy!
"Theres  no point in hiding back there just come out"

Silence fell over the corridor before they slowly began peeking out from behind the corner. Being frustrated and absolutely exhausted Shoyo shot them a glare and began to walk away.
Could you blame him? He hated it when people stuck their nose's where they don't belong and now he has to face the bastard who puts his life under constant pressure aswell.

The men came out from behind the corner not knowing how to justify their obvious eavesdropping.

"Hey sho, You know if you need help we're he-"


Once again the corridor went dead silent, nobody said anything the only sound that echoed off the walls were Shoyo's footsteps. This time he was done, he just needed to get this day over abd done with. So he left, leaving eveyone else behind not looking back. He made his way downstairs and past the reception ignoring the greetings from people around him as he swiftly made his way outside. After an exhaustingly long ride in the taxi   he stood before the large Shiratorizawa building, dreading the time he would have to spend within it.

As he walked in he felt the cool Ac air on his body as a shiver went down his spine, not sure if it was the cold air that caused it or his longing for the lovely warm bed that was awaiting him at home he pushed the thought aside and greeted the receptionist as he made his way  towards the elevator and pressed down. when he was on the elevator the ride was a slow one with horrid music only making all of it worse than it already was. A ×ding× resonated from the elevator door signaling he had made it to his floor, but of coursee this wasn't just any floor, illegal trade arranged by companies like Shiratorizawa and others couldn't just be above in their main building. Some had a separate housing for this whilst others like this, chose to keep an office below their company building. Being here below the ground, the air damper than above and being slightly colder made him feel so suffocated but there's not much the redhead could do about it except deal with it ofcourse.

He took a step out of the elevator turning a corner and walking down a corridor with horrid purple paint lining the walls and countless statues that just got creepier every time he came here."Angel statues, salvation?" he muttered to himself "what a fucking joke". He finally made it to the end of the hallway, and stared at the sign next to the door

CEO, a sigh escaped his lips as he stalled to open the door so lost in his thoughs of not wanting to enter the room he was completely oblivious to the man approaching him from behind. He jolted at the feeling of two arms snaking around his waist.Letting out small shriek and preparing to bodyslam whoever just creeped up on him before he recognised the spiked red hair behind him. "Tendou.." The taller male broke out into a wide grin before answering, "that's right, the one and only in the flesh~". Shoyo sighed deeply and decided to finally open the door.

He made eye contact with the man in the chair and bowed down, thank goodness Tendou had finally removed his arms from the red heads waist, still bowing shoyo finally spoke "Good evening Ushijima you called for me?". Ushijima Wakatoshi sat in the chair at the desk before him, keeping his stare locked on the shorter male as a grin took over his features. This made shoyo uneasy as the nervousness he had pushed to the side sprouted once again. "You may lift your head" Shoyo now stood under the uncomfortable gaze of Ushijima, the leader of Shiratorizawa this man was mysterious, tall and handsome earning nicknames like 'miracle'. But don't be fooled because on the other hand this man is nothing but a blood crazed psycho!

Without saying anything, the tall man seated in the chair gestured to his lap grinning once again. Shoyo felt another shiver down his spine as he sat on the taller man's lap, reluctantly ofcourse. "So my lovely shoyo how have things been going for you?" The red head male glanced up at him with a look of absolute disgust. Tendou could be heard giggling at the door but he was ignored by the two. Shoyo spoke "Cut the shit ushi just tell me what you want from me" His pissed tone was clearly present as he crossed his arms not buying the whole 'Nice' act.Ushijima laughed, bringing a hand up to the back of the smaller males hair and tugging on it harshly. "You should watch your tongue, I'm being considerate to you my darling, so stop your bold little front kay?"Shoyo winced as his hair was gripped even tighter "YES alright I'm sorry okay!".He grinned at the response "Good boy" as he planted a kiss on the youngers temple.

"Oo grab my hair like that too Miracle boy~!" Tendou cooed from the door, his interruption wasn't very welcomed as all he got in return was a sharp glare from the dark haired man."Geez I was just joking" he muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes. Ushijimas attention quickly went back to the man in his lap. "I have a job for you" he stated bluntly. Shoyo grimaced "What do you want me to to?" The taller male grabbed a file from his desk and handed it to the red head. "I need you to hack into the Karasuno network again, they seem to be plotting something, get me all the info by the end of the week" Shoyo flipped through the file and nodded. "Yes, sir".

After finally having escaped that bastard and the Shiratorizawa building, Shoyo went straight home and up the stairs not wasting a moment before throwing his shoes off at the door and collapsing in his bed once he had reached it. It was so warm and comfortable,oh how he wished to just lay here all day and dissappear not having to worry about a single damn thing in the world. Being able to escape all of this and live a happy life with his sister and the others.. suddenly images of the Karasuno heads flashed in his mind. Laying at the beach on a warm summer day with them, he felt butterflies flutter in his stomach and his cheeks heated up, maybe they could play volleyball.. that thought jolted him out of his little trance, His chest suddenly tightening as the guilt bloomed again, he swore to never play that damnned sport again in his life and here he is fantasising like a school girl in love! he thought. Suddenly the guilt settled in even more he was troubling the three men so much since it just so happends to be that he's the one hacking into their systems, and lying to them. His heart ached, he wished to live with them happily somewhere far away. But shoyo wasn't delusional enough to not realise that a future like that didn't exist in his life. He didn't deserve it.

The next morning after having opened the cafe and sent his sister to school, another busy day had officially begun. Everything seemed to be normal, Shoyo restocked the pastries planned the next orders with Suga and talked to the regulars whilst he made their coffee. Days like this that felt comfortable and warm helped him forget the events that took place the day before. Yet he still felt too hurt and guilty to face everyone from yesterday, he saw all the messages he received but only answered simply stating that he was ok and that they shouldn't worry. Which for some reason he thought sounded convincing enough.

After organising their tea and refilling everything the door opened with a gentle ring of the bell above the oak door." Good Afternoon how may I hope you?" Shoyo froze, and was taken aback by the fact that everyone from yesterday were currently standing at the entrance of his café. It was very akward, to say the least.

Bokuto started, "Sho we're so sorry for eavesdropping on you yesterday we didn't mean to invade on you, oh and sorry for kidnapping your sister" The silver haired man held a bouquet of flowers with a little sorry note on it out to him.
Shoyo couldn't help but smile as he walked forward and accepted the bouquet. He was delighted that his friends came to clear things up and that he got to see a certain trio that he totally wasn't fantasising about last night. The red head gave them a bright smile "Then how about we sit and talk about everything over a cup of tea" He suggested. They all agreed and got seated.

To be continued...

Idk but I think it's winter that gave me the motivation to actually write this chapter! anyways so sorry for literally not updating in ages I quite literally got rlly demotivated and haven't opened wattpad in like 10months lol but I'll try update more now anyways I hope you enjoyed ily all <33

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