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Fyi: in this, Hannah and Tim are rhe same age.

Hannah laughed. He was so funny and cheered her up when she was down. Tim grinned. She was so beautiful when she laughed. Not that it happened often. Her eyes found his all too familar grin. Her eyes glazed over and her vision swam.

"Hannah?" Tim asked, concerned.
"Hannah!" Lex ran over and held her close. She glared at Tim who removed his hand from Hannah's back, confused by the hate conveyed. Lex cradled her little sister and comforted her.
"I miss him too, baby. I miss him too." Tim awkwardly moved over to his dad.

"Ethan" he muttered. Tom nodded.
"It's a difficult time."
"It's thanksgiving. I just want to spend time with my girlfriend."
"She lost someone close to her, a year ago tomorrow. She just needs some time."
"I guess. Do you know where Miss Barnes is."
Tom sighed. Why couldn't he call her Becky?
"She's in the kitchen making lunch."
"Ok. Thanks Dad."
"No problem."

Tim left his dad to enter the bungalow.
"Miss Barnes?"
"Call me Becky, sweetie."
"Ok. Miss- Becky?"
"What's wrong?"
"Do you know why Lex doesn't like me?"
Becky thought for a moment, tucking her ginger hair behind her ear.
"Lex doesn't hate you. She just doesn't like that Hannah has a boyfriend. Think, Hannah is everything to her, especially since Ethan passed. It isn't anything personal."
"I guess. Can I help you?"
Becky smiled absentmindedly as she passed Tim the knife and the cheese as she buttered the bread.

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