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My body is so sore. I can barely move.

I cough lightly but just enough for more blood to splatter on my already red lips with a light tint of blue.

At this point, standing is hard. It hurts my legs and the bloody injury I sustained on my side is helping. It was too dark in the alleyway to even see the blood but once I fell into the snowy ground it was much easier.

My eyes roll to the back of my head from exhaustion and I fall. Before I fully black out, I feel my head hit the brick wall.

When I first woke up, I thought I was dead. The bright shining lights, the white walls. But unfortunately I was just in the hospital again.

Now this wasn't my first rodeo, as the Americans would say, so I knew within seconds where I was.

I sit up slowly, knowing better from past experiences, and look around. No one else was in the room. At least no one that I could see.

I wait for a few minutes, checking the clock and looking at anything else to keep my attention. It was 10:44 A.M. meaning I must have been knocked out for at least 7-ish hours. Maybe more.

The realistic painting of a dog on the wall caught my eye so I studied it for who knows how long before the creaky door eventually opened. In walked a nurse and a man with a strange green and white bucket hat. He had longer blonde hair and hazel eyes. Noticing I was awake, he smiles gently at me. I don't smile back.

The nurse says some big words I didn't understand and the man nods with a more serious expression.

He sneaks glances at me every once and a while but pays attention to the lady. Soon enough, they both turn towards me.

"Y/N L/N. That is your name, is it not?" The lady questions with a sour look on her face. I nods sheepishly, knowing I was in some form of trouble.

She makes a small tsk and reads over a form on her clipboard. She looks at the tall man once again and makes a confused face.

Going back to her paper, she tells me, "You were found bloody and unconscious behind a building and this man was nice enough to bring you back to the police station. You will be treated and put back into the system."

"Wait," the man interrupts. "She's in foster care?"

The lady pushes up her glasses to her nose and nods, of course, going straight back to her papers.

He mutters something to himself that I can't hear but then walks over to me.

"Hey," His voice was calming. "How old are you?" He crouches down to my height which is a lot shorter than his.

I reply meekly with "Nine years old." My grammar wasn't the best, not just because of my age but because I've never gone to a proper school before.

He nods and looks up to the nurse then back to me. Smiling to himself he stands up and walk over to his old place.

"Is she up for adoption?"

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