Chapter One

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"Is she up for adoption?" His voice rings in my small ears.

Did he-did he really just ask if I was...

The woman's eyebrows furrow as she looks back to her papers for the millionth time then answers with a curt, "Yes."

He grins, then walks back over to me.

"Hey, kiddo. How would you like to be in a family?" He asks without hesitation.

He starts talking again as tears flood my eyes.

"Let me warn you before you make a decision though. My family is very crazy and we often bicker. Most of the other kids are loud. So. Very. Loud. But we all manage to get along. Another thing is they were all in foster care at some point too so I hope that doesn't affect your answer in a bad way. There are-" This time I interrupt.

"Yes! P-Please." Even more tears come flooding my pink cheeks. They were blushed from happiness and excitement. He seemed nice and if I needed to get out of there, I could always find a way out.

He nods and grins widely.

"Mrs. Allison? Where could I go to adopt her? By that I mean which facility was she in?" His voice was so soothing, like someone's who actually cared for you.

Her face was contorted in confusion and shock.

"I-I'm sure there could be another child you would want. Maybe one less problematic?" Her voice pitches up a few octaves at the end.

He shakes his head, "No, this is the one I want to adopt."

Sighing, she grimaces, "Your loss."

As she walks out, most likely to alert the facility of the new adoption about to happen, the man turns to me.

"Sorry, I forgot to properly introduce myself. I'm Philza. I'll have to introduce you to your siblings when we get home."

'Home'. That's a word I haven't heard in a while. Nor been in a while.

Sure, I've been in and out of foster care homes but the family was either abusive or didn't pay me any attention. There was even some rich family who used me to seem nicer.

Yeah, they weren't nice.

"Anyway, how did you get knocked out in that alleyway where I found you?"

I answer as best as I can. "My old foster family didn't like me so they hurt me. The man hurt my tummy on the side. I got scared so I ran away. I fell asleep and hit my head on the wall."

Philza's face contorts in slight anger and slight sincerity. He takes a big breath in and releases it then puts his hand out. I flinch.

He pulls his hand back.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe with me, okay?" He whispered, afraid of scaring me more.

"Okay." This time I reach out my hand and hold his much larger pointer finger.

He chuckles and pats my head. His hand was really warm.

The nurse walks back in with some papers and shoves them in Philza's face.

"Turns out the family reported her and turned the papers in so you can just read and sign through some of these and you can take her. Her wounds are still healing though. She didn't need stitches so no need to worry about that. Anyway, you guys can leave after you sign the thing." It was obvious that she didn't really care about what we did.

The lady leaves and I turn back to Philza.

"Are you sure you want to adopt me?"

He ruffles my hair and answers back, "Of course I do! It's more a matter of if you want to be adopted by me. So, should I sign the papers?"

I nod vigorously and he chuckles once again, letting go of my hand.

"This may take a few minutes, you should get some rest, okay?" He pats my head once more.

"Okay, I'll try."

He nods and starts to read through the papers.

Before I know it, I'm passed out again and I didn't even have to try.

When I wake up, I'm in the backseat of a car. I look to see who is driving to see Philza. He quickly checks the mirror in the front and sees I'm awake.

"Hey, Y/N, we're on our way home now. You'll get to meet your new siblings! I hope they aren't fighting right now..." He mutters the last bit to himself.

"I can't wait to meet your kids! If they're as nice as you then I'm sure I'll like them." My voice is small but for once it is full of hope.

"Hey, you know you don't have to call them my kids. You can just say they are your siblings. I already signed the adoption papers." He reaches to the passenger seat and waves around the papers.

"Okay, Philza."

"Call me dad."

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