Chapter Two

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"Call me dad." He smiles.

"A-Are you sure?"

He laughs but keeps his eyes on the road, "Of course."

I nod, happily.

During the drive home I nod off again to see Philza- wait, no. Dad wakes me up and takes my hand as we walk inside a big house. When we open the door, I hear screaming and heavy footsteps coming our way.

"How about you wait right here?" Ph-Dad drops down to my level and murmurs. He walks in and turns right to where I cannot see him but I hear him yell at whoever was making the noise. They immediately quiet down and I see Dad walk back to the door with an annoyed expression. When he sees me that expression gradually fades as he takes my hand and walks me in.

"Let me warn you, there will be a lot of noise."

He closes the door behind us as a boy with messy brown hair and a yellow sweater. He had a guitar slung around his shoulder so it lay bare on his back.

He looks curiously at me then asks Dad a question.

"Who is this?" His british accent is thicker than mine since he was older.

"This is Y/N. She's your new sister, so treat her nicely. How about you introduce yourself." It was less of a question and more of a command.

"Okay, Dad." He turns to me and gets down on his knees to reach my height. He was really tall like Dad so he still was much taller than me.

"I'm Wilbur, your new brother." He clearly caught on to what was going on and he went with it. "I heard your name was Y/N. That's a very pretty name." I giggle.

He smiles back at me and then turns to Dad and stands up.

"Is this why you were gone all night?"

Dad nods and looks back to the papers and smiles.

"Yeah but I bet you it'll be worth it. She seems to be a really nice kid." He walked over to Wilbur and uttered something I couldn't hear.

As they talked I looked around the room I was in. It seemed like we were in a kitchen and that the next room over was the living room.

"Hey, Y/N, Wilbur here is going to show you around the house while I go get the others, okay?"

I nod and Wilbur takes my hand and leads me out of the kitchen as Dad grabs his green and white striped bag which matched his bucket hat. He probably wanted to take it to his room instead of having it laying around.

Wilbur squeezes my hand and starts walking. He had to lean a bit to keep a hold on my small hand but he didn't seem to mind.

"Where we just were was the kitchen as you could probably tell. This is the living room, please don't mind the mess. Tommy and Tubbo were messing around playing games. Oh! Do you not know who Tommy and Tubbo are?"

To this I shake my head, signaling I have absolutely no clue. He laughs and shakes his head with laughter.

"Oh, you'll see them soon enough. Tommy is the loud blonde while Tubbo is the quieter brunette. It'll seem like Tubbo lives here but he just comes over a lot. He's not actually related to us. Let's continue walking."

I try to process all this information. So Tubbo sleeps over often but isn't blood related? That doesn't make sense...

I shoo the thought away as we walk down a long hallway. On each of the doors there is a sign. On the one first to the right, a sign that says "Tommy's Room!!! Don't Come In Bitches!!!" I didn't know what the last word meant but I didn't feel the need to ask Wilbur.

"So here is Tommy's room and the one across from it is mine. Next room is Techno's then Dad's."

"Who's Techno?" I've never heard a name like Techno before.

"Oh, he's our other brother. He mainly hides in his room though so you won't see much of him for a while. It'll also take some time for him to get used to you being here but eventually he'll warm up."

"What does he look like? I want to be able to know who he is when I see him."

"Wilbur chuckles lightly, "He had long pink hair and red-ish eyes. You'll know who he is immediately."

I nod and we keep walking.

Soon enough, we head back downstairs to hear soft muffled voices. All of them male.

"Hey, we're back." Wilbur introduces us.

It looks like Dad was with two boys with the descriptions of Tommy and Tubbo.

'Tommy' looks down at me and starts yelling. I flinch back and Wilbur immediately comes down to my side. My hands cover my ears to try and block out the noise.

Wilbur sits down and holds my wrists and tries to pull them away from my ears as a few tears fall down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, shhhhh, it's okay. It was just Tommy being loud. He wasn't yelling at you, okay? You're safe here." He whispers into my ear. He had pulled my hands away from my ears and is now holding them in his much larger ones.

"O-Okay. I'm s-sorry." A few stray tears drop to the floor and Wilbur wipes the rest away.

"Don't apologize. It's Tommy's fault you got scared."

Tommy retorts and I giggle a bit at their antics.

"See? You're okay now. We won't hurt you." He hugs me then picks me up and sets me on his hip.

Tommy walks over with who I still am assuming is Tubbo and frowns.

"I didn't mean to scare you, sorry." It sounded like it took a lot out of him to apologize.

"It's okay. I forgive you."

Tommy smiles and grabs Tubbo's wrist and pulls him over.

"As you probably know by now, I'm Tommy and this is Tubbo! I learned that you're going to be my sister from now on and since Tubbo is here often I took it upon myself to introduce him to you!" His voice was still loud but I understood that he was just a loud person.

"Okay, hi Tubbo!" I give him a small wave and he waves back with excitement.

I yawn a little and Wilbur looks down at my face.

"Are you tired?" I nod a little.

"Okay, I'll ask Dad where you'll be sleeping. Tommy, could you watch her while I go get Dad?"

I grab onto his clothing as he tries to set me down. I tug on it. I wanted to stay with him. His voice was soothing unlike Tommy's loud one.

He smiles and sighs contently, "Okay, I'm guessing you want to come with me. I'll carry you there, okay?" I nod my head for the millionth time.

Walking up to where Dad's room was, Wilbur knocks lightly. I'm holding his neck tightly and he keeps his arm wrapped around me so as to not let me fall.

Dad's footsteps can be heard before he opens the door. He smiles and lets us in. I yawn once more and rest my head on Wilbur's shoulder. I feel him chuckle and sit down on the bed in the room.

"Why'd you come in?"

Wilbur says to Dad, "She is sleepy and I wanted to know where she'll be sleeping for the night since this was a last minute decision."

"Well, she could either sleep with me or you since we both know Tommy and Tubbo are sharing the room tonight and she hasn't even met Techno yet. We don't have any extra room either..." Their conversation eventually fades into whispers as I fall asleep.

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