Chapter Fifteen

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"Welcome home, Persephone."

My head tilts at the nickname. Why would he be calling me Persephone? I knew of him calling Tommy Theseus but why am I Persephone?

He noticed my apparent confusion and answered my questions.

"You've been taken from an old life you didn't care for and now you're happy with a new family. You are free from your past even if something tries to bring you back to it; that part refers to Demeter trying to bring Persephone back from the underworld. You sometimes get brought back but you always come right back home to us. Like how Persephone is forced to go back with Demeter for a bit but she always returns home to Hades. Her family. Her home."

I'm in awe at the detail and how much he thought it through.

I liked the nickname.


"You look tired. Do you want to head upstairs and take a nap? I could read you a story until you fall asleep?" Now that he mentioned it I was still sleepy even after the small nap I had in the car.

I nod and he stands up and slips his glasses back on his head. Ranboo and Tubbo look over before going back to talking about whatever.

Techno picks me up and sets me on his hip and we head upstairs to his room.

He places me on the bed and tucks me in before grabbing a book from one of his many bookshelves.

His voice was soothing so I fell asleep fairly quickly.

The next morning was when I got up again. Dad could work from home today like normal but everyone else would be at school or their job.

I was still in Techno's room and he was sitting at his desk, working on something on the computer.

I sat up and slipped out of the bed. He turned and gave me a tiny smile but that was more than he did most of the time so I appreciated it. In all honesty, I didn't know what I was going to do today. I didn't have schooling things and no one but Dad would be home.

But he was working.

I made my way to Wilbur's room and grabbed a change of clothing and got ready for the day.

It was Dad who called everyone down for breakfast. We ate and said our goodbyes. It turns out Ranboo and Tubbo both stayed the night since they could just ride to school with Tommy.

"Hey, Kiddo, I'm going to have to go into my room to do work so I'm going to trust you to not get in trouble, okay?" I nod to Dad's question as he retreats to do his work.

Everyone else had left so I decided I would go to my room and colour for a while. It didn't last long until I was bored out of my mind. At least with Niki I could talk to her. Dad was busy with work so I couldn't talk to him.

I wasn't tired so it wasn't like I could waste time with a nap either. I just wanted to be with someone.

Maybe Dad could take a break?

Only one way to find out.

I walked up to Dad's door where I heard keys clicking from a computer. Hopefully, he could take a break to see me.

I slowly opened the door, trying to not disrupt whatever he was doing and closed it again. He was so focused on his work that he didn't even hear me come in.

The keys kept clicking and he kept his eyes trained on the screen.

It was so cool that he could do that without staring at the keys. Did he have them memorized or something? Maybe it was muscle memory?

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