Chapter Six

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"Honey, we would never hurt you. We all love you! It's okay, you're not with them anymore. We're here."

His eyes bore into mine, they were quiescent like him.

"I'm sorry. I'm probably just overreacting again."

He rubs circles into my cheek with his thumb.

"You shouldn't be sorry and you are not overreacting. You deserve to feel what you want. No one can control your emotions but you, okay? You feel the way you feel and you can't help it. You're gonna be okay, alright?"

I nod my head and he touches my forehead with the back of his hand and this time I don't flinch.

"You're warm. I'll go get you some medicine, okay? What drink do you want?" He gets up and begins on his way to the kitchen.

"Could I please have some water?" It hurt my throat to talk but I knew I had to give him a proper answer.

"Of course!"

Techno sits down next to me and pulls my head onto his shoulder.

"You probably just have a cold. Phil will take care of you, don't worry." He pulls his red blanket that was draped over his shoulders like a cape around mine.

"How about we stay inside and read or watch movies today?"

That seemed like it would be a nice idea since I felt like crap.

"Okay." I croak out.

He smiles and Dad walks back with a cup, a bottle, and a spoon.

"You'll have to take a spoonful of this. It'll taste bad but you'll feel better once it kicks in." He pours some of the red liquid on the large spoon then puts it to my lips.

I take the yucky tasting medicine and quickly gulp down water to rinse the taste from my mouth. Phil laughs as he takes the bottle back to the kitchen.

Techno pulls me back into the side hug and runs his fingers through my hair.

I snuggle more into his side as he grabs the remote from beside him.

"You two watching a movie?" A sleepy Tommy yawns.

Techno nods and Tommy sits down beside me.

It was still early so he would stay quiet for a bit longer.

"Is Tubbo coming over again?"

Tommy nods to Techno's question, "Yeah, he'll come over in a few hours. I think Schlatt is coming over to talk with Dad for a bit."

Tommy notices my confused face and explains, "Schlatt is Tubbo's dad. We consider him our uncle in a way since Tubbo is like a brother to us."

"Nice to hear you admit it." Techno smirks.

Before a fight can start, Dad walks in with a few mugs.

"I brought tea. I hope you're fine with chamomile tea. We need to go out and buy some more. Maybe we can do that this weekend." Phil sets down the mugs on the coffee table that lay in front of us.

He sits down and Wilbur finally comes down the stairs.

He doesn't say anything and just sits down next to Tommy. Techno goes and picks out a Disney movie called "Cinderella".

Right as we are about to turn the movie on, a loud knocking is heard from the front door.

"Tubbo?" Tommy shouts.

He gets up and runs to the door, pushing it open with haste.

It was Tubbo like Tommy thought, but there was another man who was much taller and bigger.

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