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"This is the police! Please surrender with your hands up!"

The bad man didn't move. His hands twitched around my arm as he continued to hold me still.

"You're going to regret this."

Dad laughs, "No, you'll regret this."

It took a few minutes for the police to get inside and take him away. I was still frozen in place.

As soon as I was away from the bad man, Dad ran up to me.

"God, honey, are you okay? You know what? That's a stupid question. How are you feeling?"

I didn't answer. Some tears fell down my face and I began to shake before bursting out into sobs. My breath was uneven and it felt like I couldn't breathe at all.

Dad held me the entire time.

He whispered, "I'm sorry." to me many times.

It wasn't his fault. If anything, he saved me.

I spent the rest of the day in bed with Dad by my side the whole time. Techno came in a lot and Wilbur was almost always there since it was his room too. Tommy didn't come in once.

"Where's Tommy?"

Dad gives me a sad look.

"He's in his room right now. He's a little upset, but I'm sure he'll come in a little bit later. Now, how about we watch a Disney movie? We could stay here or go into the living room. How does that sound?"


It sounded nice.

I nodded. My brain was a little foggy and everything felt numb or blurry in a way.

Dad's pained smile made it worse.

I looked over at Wilby. He was fast asleep without a blanket or anything. I got up before Dad even moved a muscle and I pulled mine over him.

"He needs it more than I do."

Dad started crying.

"What's wrong?"

Why was he crying?

What was going on?

"What did he do to you? Tell me the truth, Y/N. Please." he begged.

His voice was broken and he stood up to stand where I was, beside Wilbur's bed.

He sat down on his knees and held my hands while looking up at me.

"Can you please tell me?"

I reluctantly nodded. How long have I lived here without telling them the truth? Months? A year maybe?

A tiny smile, filled with relief, broke out onto his face. He encouraged me to start.

"Well," I started. "He used to hurt me and Mommy before she was gone. He would hurt me by hitting me or throwing me. He would play games with me that ended badly. He would-"

I stopped. Did I have to say?

"It's okay, Y/N. It's okay now. You don't have to continue. I am so sorry."

Sobs tore my throat. I felt like screaming, but also like curling up in a small ball to hide away forever.

"You're going to be okay, honey. It'll all get better. It's over now. He's gone, okay? I love you so much, Y/N. We won't let him hurt you anymore."

He grabbed the sides of my face.

He pushed our foreheads together and whispered, "It will be okay. Maybe not this second, but it will. I promise you that."

"Yeah, we're here to protect you, sunshine."




"We have your back, Y/N."

And Tommy.

They were my real family. I knew that now.

They were my home.

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