Chapter Sixteen

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This family had helped me even more than they could ever realize.

I woke up, still snuggled up next to Tommy and couldn't get out of his grip. I tried for a solid two minutes before giving up.

Was this child part gorilla?

He made a groaning noise then began to sit up.

"Mornin', Y/N. How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, I had only a few nightmares!" The words slipped out of my mouth.

"Well, that's a lot better than the usual, isn't it?"

How did he?

He ruffles my hair, "I know being in the system does that to you. It fucks up your brain and makes it assume the worst. It takes a while to find the right home but I believe you've found it."

I didn't think I'd be crying this early in the morning but here I am.

Tommy begins to panic and asks me if he needs to get Phil but I dismiss it.

"Happy tears." I mumble.

He runs a hand through his hair and buzzes his lips while blowing out air.

"Well, how about we stop the tears and go downstairs to see Dad? I'm sure he's making breakfast right now, okay?"

"Mhm," I dry my face and we head downstairs.

I noticed that during breakfast, Tommy would constantly look over to check on me, but every time I looked over he would quickly turn his head away.

There wasn't much conversation during the meal but it was still nice.

Wait, don't I get to see Niki again today?

I do!

My legs swing back and forth under the table and I accidently kick Wilbur lightly.

"Sorry, Wilby."

He chuckles a bit, "It's okay, Sunshine. Why are you so excited today?"

I bounce a bit in my chair, "I get to see Auntie Niki again today!"

"Oh, that seems fun! Make sure to say hi for me, okay?"


We finish breakfast and I pack a small bag with some things to keep me busy in case Niki needs to do something and I need to be left alone for a bit.

I say goodbye to my brothers and Dad soon takes me to Niki's. I was fairly excited.

It was a much easier goodbye than the first time but it was still hard.

"Bye bye, Dad! I love you!"

"I love you too, Y/N."

I turned to Niki and she smiled. She grabbed my hand in one of hers and my bag in the other. She took me to the guest room and set my stuff in there.

"So what do you want to do? By the way, a friend is going to come over later so you'll get to meet her. She's really nice, don't worry. Her name is Minx, she may act a bit, what's the best word for this, vulgar. I promise you she's really sweet though!"

I nod and Niki opens her mouth to speak again but a soft doorbell noise resonates throughout the house.

"I'll be right back, okay? That's probably her."

Niki leaves me to sit on the bed. I watch as a cat makes its way into the room. It was tiny and had pretty beige and gray fur. I stepped down from the bed onto the floor to join the cat.

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