Chapter Nineteen

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It was family bonding time.

I didn't think family bonding time consisted of us getting lost somewhere with no service or buildings around.

Luckily, most of us were asleep so Dad could figure it out so we wouldn't panic.

Unluckily, Tommy was the one awake.

I had woken up to a shout right behind my ears. Wilbur tightened his grip around me, trying to block out the noise. He failed though.

"Great going, Tommy! You woke her up!" Wilbur muttered with sleep evident in his voice from just waking up.

Tommy just shouts some more and Wilbur tries to coax me back to sleep.

Techno, who was sitting beside Dad, was still asleep somehow. I looked behind me enough to see Ranboo and Tubbo also still asleep.

I guess they were just used to it by now?


I turned back to see Wilbur grabbing something from his bag and facing me. He had pulled out a pair of headphones that looked like earmuffs.

They were quickly placed on my head and I was pulled into Wilbur's chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

Even with the consistent shouting coming from behind me, I was able to fall asleep.

Unsurprisingly, Wilbur was the one to wake me up. He lightly shook my shoulder until I was able to fully wake up.

"We're at the place Phil wanted to take us too. He wanted me to get you up. Apparently we're at a farm. He said it was the first stop." Wilbur kept his voice down and soft since I had just woken up.

"That sounds fun." I yawn, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.

I stop, coming across a thought that intrigued me.

"Are there going to be sloths there?"

Wilbur laughed at the excitement in my voice.

"I doubt it. There might be sheep though. I heard you like those, don't you?"

I nod and begin to wiggle in my seat. Sheep were also a favorite of mine!

Looking around at the others, I see that Dad is pulling into a place beside another car, Techno is still asleep, Tommy is talking with Ranboo, and Tubbo is also asleep.

Wait, Ranboo and Tommy talking?

Not fighting?

Something must be wrong.

I decided to investigate, as anyone who saw something like this happen should.

My first step was to listen to their conversation.

"Well, I'm sure there are cows there, Tommy. It's a farm. That's like, one of the main animals you would see there."

Tommy whines from the back of his throat and replies.

"But what if they don't, Ran? You knowI want to see the cows! I know you said they would but what if? Huh? What if they don't, big man? What will we do then? Go commit arson?"

Ranboo stifles a laugh and Tommy begins to yell at him.

There it is.

Nevermind investigating, everything is back to normal.

The world is at peace once again.

"Hey, sunshine,look over there!"

Wilbur pointed in a direction to our right a bit. There were many fences in areas with animals bustling about them.

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